May 2020 Notes of an Informal Meeting (4th)
Notes from the informal meeting of Dunston Parish Council held on Monday 4th May at 7.30pm Via Zoom
A recording of this meeting was made for the sole use of Dunston Parish Council.
PRESENT: P.Cllrs R.McLuckie (RM) (Chair), P.Moore (PM) (Vice Chair), L.Phillipson (LP), & E.Vinter (EV). Clerk L.Stocker (LS)(Minutes), D.N.Byatt (NB) & D. Cllr L. Pearson (LPe).
Any decisions must be ratified at the next public meeting of the Parish Council.
1. APOLOGIES: C.Cllr. R. Kendrick & P.Cllr. K. Atkin
3. ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: The minutes for the meeting held on Monday 9th March were unanimously held to be a true and accurate record.
RK’s monthly report had arrived and been circulated earlier in the day.
DISTRICT COUNCILLOR Nick Byatt (NB) outlined key points from NKDC:
- Services are operating as near to normal as possible.
- Staff have been conducting welfare calls & have currently dealt with over 2,000 calls.
- A Government grant of approx. £1.2 million will cover NKDC revenue losses.
- Business and home rents have been reduced during April, May & June.
- Funding support of approx. £17 million has been distributed to eligible businesses via NKDC.
- A full meeting of NKDC made the decision to utilise technology to allow the democratic process to continue publicly. See NKDC website for details.
- NKDC will be reopening Waste Recycling Centres : A phased approach has been adopted to avoid congestion. See LCC website for up-to-date details.
- Branston District council have set up a local food bank to help the surrounding communities. Contact them with any requests for assistance.
- Guidance has been sought in relation to access to play parks and open spaces. Any information will be distributed appropriately.
*PM joined the meeting at this point.
RM detailed the support being offered to vulnerable residents in Dunston by Chips (Churches Helping in Particular Situations). This has proved a valuable service and has happily got more volunteers than is actually needed.
An updated series of standing orders in relation to the operation of Dunston Parish Council during the current crisis were discussed. (See separate document for details) Adopted.
Future Meetings: After some discussion, it was agreed that Parish Council meetings would be conducted via Zoom for the foreseeable future. It was also agreed to limit the duration to no more than an hour, but increase frequency to hold fortnightly meetings on Monday evenings.
It was agreed that the purchase of a Zoom subscription was appropriate, as it will allow for a longer meeting whilst offering an expanded range of facilities. Agreed (LS/RM)
Following the visible boost to isolated residents after donations of a meals &/or drinks, PM suggested that DPC support a similar donation which would coat approx. £130. Approved unanimously.
Speed Indicator Device (SID): It was unanimously agreed to opt out of the cluster group SID and invest in additional signage.
COVID Furlough Scheme: It was unanimously agreed that the staff employed by DPC would not be furloughed at present. No further action needed.
a. Village Keepers Report: The Village Keeper has been managing to continue in her role by incorporating her duties in her daily walk.
Littering remains a problem, with particular increases in the number of used tissues and disposable gloves and dog fouling are raising some health and safety concerns. There has also been evidence left to suggest that some sections of the community are using the playing field as a place to congregate.
RM had previously requested that that Councillors take time to pass the area and assist with the removal of any debris.
Football Pitch: A request to use the football pitch for the 2020/1 season has been made. It was agreed this is a possibility, with DPC being open to discussions regarding fees and facilities. It was noted that changes before the new season were unlikely.
Grass cutting – The Green has been voluntarily cut by a parishioner whilst contractor services have been suspended. Revisit as necessary.
Bowls Club – letter requesting a rent holiday and a postponement of the outstanding donation of £500. Postponed etc – PM / EV : Reasonable - Unanimous response
LS to write to DB &CC (follow up letter).
VILLAGE HALL: The Village Hall is closed to all users as part of the Coronavirus restrictions. This has an impact upon its ability to generate an income, which may prove problematic in months to come as there is no government funding applicable. The staff are presently furloughed until further notice.
Application 20/0392/FUL (Retrospective) Extension to Beeswax Estate Office Car Park. Comments by 1/5/20 No objections recorded.
Application 20/0456/FUL Land North Of Fen Lane, Dunston LN4 2HB.
Erection of 8 dwellings and formulation of new vehicular and pedestrian access from Fen Lane. Comments by 16/5/20 As this application has been made (&withdrawn) previously, it was felt that comments in relation to the pressure upon the village infrastructure were still relevant. LS to compile an appropriate response on behalf of DPC.
Application 20/0449/LBC The Old Vicarage, Vicarage Lane, Dunston
Installation of through floor lift & internal alterations to form level access shower room. Comments by 21/5/20 No objections recorded.
Application 20/0029/FUL - Land East Of Sleaford Road (B1188) & West Of Dunston Road, Metheringham. Erection of 386 dwellings, formulation of new access points from Sleaford Road and Dunston Road, provision of new internal access roads, and, provision of new sustainable drainage infrastructure.
DPC were not initially consulted on this application, but have made comments given its proximity to the village and potential impact upon the local infrastructure. Comments by 16/5/20.
12. FINANCE: As of 4th May 2020
Monday 18th May 2020 at 7.30pm. Access details will be posted on the DPC website.
The meeting closed at 8.10pm.