September 2020 Minutes (21st)

Minutes of the of Dunston Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 21st September at 7.30pm via Zoom.  

PRESENT: P.Cllrs R.McLuckie (RM) (Chair), P.Moore (Vice Chair) L.Phillipson (LP) R.Churchward (RC), P.Duncan (PD), C.Cllr. R.Kendrick (RK),  D.Cllrs. N.Byatt (NB), L.Pearson (LPe) & Clerk L.Stocker (LS)(Minutes)  

APOLOGIES: D.Cllr L.Pearson & P.Cllr K.Atkin 


ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: The minutes were held to be a true and accurate record. 



•    The Constituency Boundary review for district councils is open until the 9th October –Metheringham ward is unaffected, but other areas can be seen and commented upon. 
•    It is likely that the Dunston Neighbourhood Plan (DNP) will be partially superseded by the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan (CLLP). Revisit once CLLP is finalised.


•    RK revisited the access issues along the footpath to Wasp’s Nest. LCC Footpaths provided details of definitive routes in the area and are aware of concerns. They suggested it establishing a Public Right of Way using testimonials from long-time residents if the problems persist. RK to pursue as necessary. 
•    The missing Stepping Out sign was installed by NKDC. NB to investigate.  
•    A new website is being launched to allow reporting nuisance parking. Details to follow. 
•    RK’s monthly report will be shared as soon as it becomes available. 


•    There is a need to advertise for a new clerk. Use of the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC), Limespring Hundred, the school, a household letter drop or a recruitment agency were discussed. Revisit (19.10.20)

Action: LS

•    There may be potential/need to create a larger role in conjunction with Dunston Village Hall Management Committee. Research the viability of this.      

Action: RM/LS

CLERK’S REPORT Louise Stocker: 

•    The green area on Vicarage Lane has been reported as being overgrown. This has been maintained by LCC/NKDC until recently. It was agreed to establish what maintenance work is scheduled and add the area to the PC maintenance contract if necessary. Establish which areas are cut by LCC & revisit. (NB to research similar issues nearby)

Action: LS

•    Check Declaration of Acceptance paperwork for RC & PD. Check paperwork for the new Councillors has been completed. 

Action: RK/LS


•    Digby -  Essential Maintenance work is taking place between 5th October – 30th November. Parts of North Street and Station Road will be closed to all users (Including emergency services, pedestrians, cyclists & equestrians) as required. 
•    Eastern Bypass Roundabouts - There will be ongoing weekend road closures at Lincoln Road, Branston & Greetwell Road until mid-October. Temporary night traffic signals may be used at Wragby Road Roundabout during this time.

•    Work to the protected willow trees on The Green has been begun NKDC. 
•    The maintenance work around the Village Hall is still outstanding. Recommendations for quotes will be forwarded to the Clerk. Obtain quotes. 

Action: LS


Amended Details : Application 20/0456/FUL Erection of 8 dwellings and formulation of new vehicular and pedestrian access from Fen Lane. Land North Of Fen Lane, Dunston LN4 2HB. Approved. 

Amended Details : Application 20/0029/FUL Erection of 329 dwellings, access points, internal roads & sustainable drainage infrastructure. Land east of Sleaford Road (B1188) and west of Dunston Road, Metheringham. Comments by 12.10.20. 

Full details of all Planning applications are available on the Planning Online page of the NKDC website.


•    The COVID use notices have been displayed as agreed. They have not stopped people using the equipment and no comments have been received. 
•    The means of adjusting the Zip Wire (as highlighted by RoSPA) have been identified. Form a work group & resolve. 

Action: RM


•    DVHMC held their 2019/20 AGM on Wednesday 16th September. This was a particularly good year for the village hall, both in terms of finances and action, and prospects for the future were promising. (AGM reports were shared later). 
•    This position has been challenged by the impact of Covid. The team have worked tirelessly with the manager to overcome numerous challenges and ensure that the hall has remained open where possible. These efforts are highly praised, particularly as many local venues have remained closed.  
•    There is still a desperate need for volunteers before two key members retire. 
•    The pandemic has illustrated how much secretarial work one person currently undertakes. It is hoped to share this amongst numerous volunteers in the future. 
•    To achieve this, DVHMC will circulate a letter to Dunston residents seeking volunteers to help support this village asset and keep it open for years to come. 
•    As leaseholders, the PC have no wish for the future of the hall to be threatened, and are keen to support any efforts to ensure that it continues to operate as an independently managed entity. 
FINANCES: Approval of Outstanding Payments:                        



Monday 5th October 2020 at 7.30pm via zoom. 

Meeting ID: 883 592 6322       Password: 1Bsbxr
The meeting closed at 8.30 pm.