December 2020 Minutes (14th)
Minutes of the of Dunston Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 14th December at 7.30pm via Zoom.
PRESENT: P.Cllrs R.McLuckie (RM) (Chair), P.Moore (Vice Chair) L.Phillipson (LP), P.Duncan (PD), G.Armstrong (GA), D.Cllr. N.Byatt (NB) & Clerk L.Stocker (LS) Minutes.
APOLOGIES: C.Cllr. R.Kendrick, P.Cllrs. R.Churchward & W.Haggerty.
ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: The minutes were held to be a true and accurate record.
Referred to the information contained in the current NKDC newsletter.
Christmas Tree: This has been erected and has received a number of positive comments. The chair extended thanks to PD, EV and Beeswax for their help with this.
LIVES have been contacted and are happy to run some free defibrillator training courses once COVUD restrictions are no longer necessary.
The DPC Standing Orders have been updated.
The Chair reported that the webpage hosted by LCC is due to be closed on the 31st December. The Clerk has been in contact with LCC in respect of the newer site for Parish Council pages and will be retrieving any relevant information until further instructions have been received. Ongoing.
CLERK’S REPORT Louise Stocker:
The Community Works Gang will be in Dunston in the new year. There is a criteria of which tasks they are able to address and a brief list was compiled in June but this needs reviewing and updating as necessary. Share existing material & add any additional items, before forwarding the final list to Cllr Kendrick.
Action: LS
A company offering assistance with Neighbourhood Plan reviews have been in touch, but this is unnecessary at present.
A candidate has been found for the Clerk vacancy and an interview (via zoom) will be arranged in the next week. The current Clerk can assist with handing over the role if necessary.
Action: PM
The Lincoln Eastern Bypass will open before Christmas, although some works to peripheral land will be completed at a later date.
A section of Heighington Road in Canwick will be closed for a week between 11th January – 5th February to allow eastern bypass construction works to take place. (Signage detailing accurate dates & times will be displayed in advance on site).
A section of the B1191 Heath Road near Ashby de la Launde will be closed for resurfacing and patching work between 13th January – 1st February.
A section of Station Rd, Digby will be closed from 18th January – 5th February to allow a new connections to be installed by Stonewell Homes Ltd.
The Cycling Infrastructure Questionnaire will be completed and circulated for comment.
The cycle path alongside the school is becoming difficult to pass as a hedge is collapsing near the flower field. Contact Beeswax and see if they might be able to help.
Action: PD
The Chafer bug treatment was revisited. Chase outstanding quotes.
Action: LS
The situation at the Village Hall remains the same and will continue to do so unless the Covid restrictions change to allow public use.
The current income and expenditure needs to be finalized to allow a prediction of spending to be made and some guidelines drawn up for discussion before the deadline at the end of January.
Action: LS/GS
Items to be included:
Replacement benches (£1,650.00 benches CIL allow £1,800)
Chafer treatment at the playing field.
Increased staffing costs (Clerk – increased hourly rate & increased hours)
Increased maintenance cover
Increased costs as a consequence of the pandemic.
Annual Community Christmas Tree
- New suggestions:
Add a shaded area in/near the playground (Proposed LP/Seconded RM : agreed by all)*
Seating in the dog walking area (near park entrance) (Proposed PM/Seconded LP : agreed by all)*
Add an extra bin by new seating (Proposed GA/ Seconded PM : agreed by all)*
Passive speed controls (Gate/Planters) : would need permission from Highways and to consider location & the depth of roadside verges.*
*Obtain quotes and consider costs.
Potential items can be allocated even if further information, advice or permission.
Caution with Parish funds need to be balanced with the desire to increase facilities within the village. This needs to be considered during this process.
LCC have confirmed that a joiner is due to review the repairs needed to the bus shelter. Updates have been promised.
Monday 4th Jaunary 2020 at 7.30pm via zoom.
Meeting ID: 883 592 6322 Password: 1Bsbxr
The meeting closed at 8.45 pm.