February 2020 Minutes (10th)

Minutes of the of Dunston Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 10th February at 7.45pm in the Lamyman Room of the Village Hall

PUBLIC FORUM: Members of the Dunston Diggers (DD) were present and updated the meeting on developments regarding the provision of land for allotment use. At present there are three offers : The one previously discussed on the site of The Old Potato Store redevelopment site, and two potential plots identified by Beeswax. 

RM, as chair, mentioned the need to ensure that any allotments need to be organised formally, with Dunston Parish Council (DPC) acting as a tenant sub-leasing to DD. To this end, it was requested that DPC are invited to any future meetings. 

DPC have also committed to attending an Allotment Training Course run by the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC). (23/20)

PRESENT: P.Cllr’s R.McLuckie (RM) (Chair), P.Moore (PM) (Vice Chair), E.Vinter (EV), Clerk L.Stocker (LS)(Minutes), D. Cllr L. Pearson (LPe) & 4 parishioners. 

1. APOLOGIES:  C.Cllr. R. Kendrick, D. Cllr N.Byatt, P.Cllr. L.Phillipson &  P.Cllr K.Atkin 


3. ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: The minutes for the meeting held on Monday 13th January were unanimously held to be a true and accurate record.  (24/20)


COUNTY COUNCILLOR Rob Kendrick: RK’s monthly report had been previously circulated amongst the Council, and was summarised for the room. 

DISTRICT COUNCILLOR Laura Pearson: LPe and her co-councillor, Nick Byatt, have arranged a charity quiz night on Thursday 20th March to raise funds for Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance. Tickets are still available at a cost of £5 per person. 

NKDC are considering placing restrictions upon the use of fireworks as they are more widely used and cause increasing amounts of upset and disruption to some sections of the community. 

Annual renewals for the Garden Waste Scheme are due shortly. The charge for this service has been reviewed and increased to £35 this year. (25/20) 


Two crimes were recorded in Dunston during January. 

The police are still focussing their efforts on reducing anti-social behaviour in the region. (26/20)

6. HIGHWAYS : Nothing to report. (27/20)


a. Village Keepers Report: Excess mud on the road towards Metheringham has been reported to Highways and a broken kerb on Back Lane has been reported to LCC via Fix my Street. 

The Village Keeper will shortly attend training organised by NKDC. (28/20)

b. Wind Damage to Willow Tree on The Green: This tree is in the Village Conservation Area and subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO). NKDC have been made aware of the damage & will address the overhanging branch shortly. In the near future they plan to pollard the rest of the trees on The Green to retain their structure whilst minimising the risk of similar damage. (29/20). 


a.19/0752/FUL Nocton Nurseries, Lincoln: Demolition of Existing Storage Sheds and the Erection of 6 x Industrial Units : Approved. (30 /20)


The new Village Hall Manager (VH Manager) is now in post. 

The provision of a Data Hub at the Village Hall was discussed, with the decision to pursue this path being agreed as it will extend internet & PC provision in the village, improve working opportunities for the Clerk & VH Manager and increase the rental appeal. NKDC will provide some support for this scheme, with a potential for a match funded grant to assist with the cost being available. (31 /20)


a. Fencing: Options to repair the fencing were once again revisited. A quote was provisionally approved and will be pursued. (32/20)

b. Mole Removal: 13 moles have been trapped and removed. (33/20)

c. Maintenance: No further concerns at present. (34/20)

d. Bowls Green: The lowest quote for wood was agreed to be acceptable. This completes the involvement of DPC in the Uplift Project. (35/20) 

Feb20 tbl1
13. PRECEPT: After extensive debate it was agreed to request a precept increase of 5% for 2020/21. (36/20)



Monday 9th March at 7.45pm in the Lamyman Room of the Village Hall. 

The meeting closed at 9.30pm.