November 2020 Minutes (30th)

Minutes of the of Dunston Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 30th November at 7.30pm via Zoom.

PRESENT: P.Cllrs R.McLuckie (RM) (Chair), P.Moore (Vice Chair) L.Phillipson (LP), R.Churchward (RC), P.Duncan (PD), G.Armstrong (GA), W.Haggerty (WH),  C.Cllr. R.Kendrick (RK), D.Cllr. N.Byatt (NB) & L.Pearson (L.Pe) & Clerk L.Stocker (LS) Minutes.

APOLOGIES: P.Cllrs. E.Vinter & W.Haggerty. 


ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: The minutes were held to be a true and accurate record.



An enquiry regarding the treatment of the debris on The Green has been sent to NKDC Tree Officers. Update to follow. 


It was suggested that Dunston/CHIPs might like to replicate Metheringham Isolation Help (MISH) in collecting donations to provide Christmas gifts for residents in need following the pandemic. The Parish Councillors involved in CHIPs were able to detail how this had been discussed and found to be seen to be unnecessary by the residents they support. As a church based group, CHIPs are participating in a reverse advent calendar project for the Lincoln Larder and one to provide  gifts to overseas workers who are unable to at home for Christmas.


The free NHS Flu Vaccination Programme has been expanded to include year 7 pupils and anyone aged 50 or over.

A Healthwatch survey to assess experiences of urgent care and advice is ongoing.

DPCs request to extend distance of the planned speed limit restrictions on the B1188 has been passed onto LCC Highways, and is awaiting consideration.

Following training on LCC planning responsibilities, RM reported that LCC are responsible for considering the likelihood of flooding in planning applications. This is an ongoing concern in Dunston, particularly after the Dunston Road development was approved. Unfortunately, these details are still not available. RK to investigate.


The Christmas tree has been ordered and will be in position soon. 

A grant for a new defibrillator has become available. As the one at the Village Hall is seldom (or ever) used, a new one is considered unnecessary. RM will contact LIVES First Responders to ensure that servicing is up-to-date and enquire about the possibility of holding free training sessions to encourage use and awareness of its presence.

The assessment of DPC Standing Orders is ongoing.

CLERK’S REPORT Louise Stocker:

Information regarding Chafer Bugs was requested by and sent to Metheringham PC.


Sections of North Street, Digby Road will be close to allow utility works to be carried between 4th -8th January 2021.

The footpath in Temple Bruer will continue to be closed for development works until 26th March 2021.

The surface of the footpath from Meadow Lane to Front Street has been inspected, but found not to cause any immediate safety concerns. No action taken but LCC will continue to monitor & assess.


The terms of the grounds maintenance tender have been looked at thoroughly, and the following points have arisen:

LCC have offered a small annual payment to for DPC to take responsibility for the areas they currently maintain in the village. An investigation of costs has shown that this is not viable.

The meeting with Glendale was very positive and identified some areas that have been missed in their schedule. The Village Hall grounds are included in the contract and will be addressed, as will the area of the Playing Field previously occupied by bramble bushes.

The contract with Glendale is agreed for three years and will not need reviewing until the end of the year.

Glendale’s last visit of the year is in October, when an extra cut is made at the Village Hall. PD suggested that it might be prudent to expand this visit and prepare the village for winter by including the grass verges and the extra piece of grass along The Beck, off Chapel Lane. A quote has been requested to facilitate discussion. 

Cllr Kendrick left the meeting at this point.

Beeswax Dyson have cleared the overgrown dyke along their field on Fen Lane, after LP noticed a problem with water flow and requested their assistance. This is greatly appreciated and a letter of thanks has already been sent.


Application 20/1483/FUL Prior Lodge, Prior Lane, Dunston : proposed new vehicular access and installation of gate. No Comment. 


The ongoing discussion regarding Chafer Bugs has shown that it is sensible to avoid Nematode treatments and to wait until spring before taking action.

Repairs to the surface of the grass after treatment needs consideration. 

The contractor confirmed his ability to address the issue. Seek quote.

The Green Keeper needs to confirm his labour charges. Seek quote.


Glendale have addressed the overgrown areas but confirmation of appropriateness needs to be sought from DVHMC before any continued maintenance.  Seek approval.

The Village Hall is unable to open for recreation purposes whilst the area is in Tier 3.

The post Office is classed as an essential service and continues to open between 14.30 – 17.00 on Mondays.

The caretaker will be unable to perform his duties for the foreseeable future.

Action: PM

FINANCES: As of 30th November 2020


Current (Treasurers) Account (statement dated 18.11.2020) - £16,692.05*

Deposit (Bus Instant Access) Account (statement 01.10.2020) - £15,293.40**

*includes income of £166.95 from NKDC - £31,985.45

**13p Interest added

Income: (yet to be banked)

D.Cllr. N. Byatt – Christmas tree donation - £100.00

Fran Maplethorpe  - Christmas tree donation - £35.00

Len Bannister - Christmas tree donation - £20.00

Total £    155.00


Approved on 16.11.20:

Wave (Anglian Water) - £459.71

Glendale (Grounds Maintenance) - £907.20

Total - £1,366.91

For Approval:                                                                                            

Village Keeper’s Salary (November) - £134.52

Clerks Salary (November) - £224.18

P. Moore – Christmas Tree Lights - £92.47

R. McLuckie – Christmas Tree - £70.00

Gendale – V.Hall Maintenance - £249.60

Total - £770.77

Total Expenditure - £2,137.68  

Reconciliation :

Current Account Reconciliation:

Current Account - £16,692.05       

Income - £155.00

Expenditure - £2,137.68-

Working Balance - £14,709.37              

Current Account (working balance) - £14,709.37    

Deposit Account - £15,293.40 +

Reconciliated Total - £30,002.77   

The Parish Council also curate an account holding funds allocated to preservation work on behalf of the Trout Project. The current balance is £9,300.45.                                             


Parish Clerk vacancy advert has been placed in the December edition of Limespring Hundred and will be posted on the Facebook page.

Action: PD

It was suggested that the advert be sent to the school secretary for circulation via Parentmail. Forward contact details.

Action: PM



Monday 14th December 2020 at 7.30pm via zoom.

Meeting ID: 883 592 6322       Password: 1Bsbxr

The meeting closed at 8.30 pm.