October 2020 Minutes (19th)

Minutes of the of Dunston Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 19 October at 7.30pm via Zoom.  

Present: P.Cllrs R.McLuckie (RM) (Chair), P.Moore (Vice Chair) L.Phillipson (LP), R.Churchward (RC), P.Duncan (PD), (RK), D.Cllrs. N.Byatt (NB) & L.Pearson (LPe) & Clerk L.Stocker (LS)(Minutes).

Apologies: C.Cllr. R.Kendrick,  D.Cllr L.Pearson, P.Cllrs. K.Atken & E.Vinter.

Declaration of interests: None.

Acceptance of minutes: The minutes were held to be a true and accurate record.


District councillor Rob Kendrick:

Cllr Kendrick’s report had been previously shared.

District coucillor Nick Byatt:

NKDC continue to run their meetings via zoom. The AGM will be held on 20th October and will be recorded and made available to view online.

NK business are still answering queries regarding Covid related grants and support .

Nominations for NKDC Community Champions 2021 are open. (www.nkawards.org).

The Boundary Commission review had no impact on Metheringham Ward.

The Government will not consider Lincolnshire becoming a unitary authority.

The public consultation on the Government White Paper ‘Planning for the Future’ is open until 29th October 2020. This has huge potential impact upon planning processes in our local communities, and may be seen and commented upon online at https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/planning-for-the-future 

Chairman's report Russ McLuckie:

A request to address the surface of the short footpath between Meadow Lane and the playing field has been received. Contact LCC Highways. LS

Clerk's report Louise Stocker:

A grave location request was received and answered.

NKDC Environmental Protection have held a competition to publicise the problems with Dog Fouling, which will be the subject of a district wide campaign. Contact and request posters for display. LS

The paperwork to facilitate Online Banking is in hand – Debate arose in relation to the feasible number of signatories. Research possibilities and revisit. LS

Review digital storage practices – Seek advice from LALC. LS


Tree works in Metheringham will mean that sections of Grange Road will be closed between 23/11/2020 & 27/11/2020.

Temporary 30mph speed limits will be continue to be used in areas of Branston, Washingborough, Canwick and Lincoln until 31/12/2020.

Carriageway patching and resurfacing will result in the closure of The Lane, Ashby de la Launde between 16/11/2020 & 17/11/2020.

Full details of these roadworks are available at https://roadworks.org/  & will be displayed upon the Parish Noticeboard.


Fallen branches/damaged tree on The Green have been reported and have been planned for attention in November.

The fallen branch at the Ford on Prior Lane is on private land which means NKDC & DPC cannot legally address the issue. Investigate ownership. LP

The damaged noticeboard has been inspected and needs to be sanded down and repainted to resolve the issues. The bus shelter needs more substantial remedial work to one corner.  Suggest potential companies to undertake this work in order to obtain quotes prior to Precept setting. ALL


Amended: Application 19/1685/HOUS Minor amendment to the scheme to include the use of render. 1 Orchard Close, Dunston. Refused on the grounds that

“The application fails to preserve, reinforce or enhance the local distinctiveness of Dunston village, contrary to the provisions of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan (adopted, 2017)”.

Notification of Further Details : Application 20/0029/FUL Erection of 329 dwellings, access points, internal roads & sustainable drainage infrastructure. Land east of Sleaford Road (B1188) and west of Dunston Road, Metheringham.

A meeting of the Planning Sub Committee will be held on 27th October 2020 to consider this application. District Councillor Byatt will be present.

Full details of all Planning applications are available on the Planning Online page of the NKDC website.
Playing field:

Zip Wire adjustment – Resolved.

Areas of the playing field have become infested with chafer bugs. This needs to be addressed as their presence is likely to cause damage (via animals & birds) to the surface of the turf. A quote has been obtained via a contractor who happened to be visiting the Bowling Green on a separate task, and this has identified a need to act quickly or wait until spring. Find alternative quotes. LS

Following a review of the grounds maintenance tender document, a proposal (PD/PM) was made to expand the areas addressed. Contact current contractor to discuss the programme of maintenance and any identify additions. LS/PD/RM
Village hall:

Village Hall grounds maintenance – The quotes for this work are still outstanding. The grounds maintenance tender review (see previous item) has also raised a query as they already seem to be included (see items K & L).  Chase & address as necessary. LS

Audit – Extended to November 6th but will need to present everything at the next meeting & arrange external auditor. Failure will incur charges.
Date of next meeting:

Monday 2 November 2020 at 7.30pm via zoom.

Meeting ID: 883 592 6322       Password: 1Bsbxr 
