July 2022 Minutes
Minutes of the Dunston Parish Council Meeting Held on Monday 12th July 2022
Present: Cllrs McLuckie (Chair), Duncan, Lamyman, Pellew, Phillipson, Treece. Clerk to Council and 1 member of the public. County Councillor Kendrick
Chairman’s welcome and announcements.
The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Council Session
To receive apologies and accept valid reasons of absence:
Apologies were received from Cllrs Churchward, Moore and NKDC Cllr Bailey.
1. To receive members’ declarations of disposable pecuniary, non-disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in relation to any agenda item. No changes
2. The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record.
3. Reports from Lincolnshire County Council – County Councillor Kendrick gave a full report which included details of the Holiday Activity and Food Programme, the scale of the task of cleaning the highways drainage systems a new county Child and Family Weight management service.
4. To receive Chair's Report: The annual duck race was well attended and a success >£1100 made. The Rivers Trust/ Env Agency etc held a very informative beck walk with locals and councillors attending.
- Report from the Village Keeper: A further incident of vandalism involving the destruction of a picnic bench at the playground had been reported to police and others. Volunteers agreed to remove the hazardous debris RM / BL / PD / TB
- Highway matters: The Speed Gates project is still in progress. Further information at the next meeting. AP RC
- Anglian Water: The sewer lining project was still in progress but concerns were raised about some sections which could not be re-lined for technical reasons. It was agreed we should feedback our concerns to Anglian Water RM TB
- Environment issues: Beeswax farming had responded positively to the request for assistance with the roadway surface to the playground car park, a reciprocal offer was made to Beeswax employees for croquet and bowls tasters.
- The hedge along the bridle path to Nocton was reported to be in need of trimming as it was starting to become a hazard to walkers on the tarmac surface. TB
- The issue of overflowing dog waste bins was again discussed. An extra bin by the bridle path to Nocton, a larger bin at the playground car park and replacement of the metal one on the footpath to Metheringham should be costed and provided within expected budget could be implemented during the summer. TB
- A stronger replacement bench (for the one vandalised) at the playground, including a solid permanent base could be costed. TB
- Village Hall matters: Formal quotes for the car parking area at the village hall should be obtained. TB
- Financial matters: Still work in progress but the accounts being dealt with by Simon Moss. There are further delays due to illness that may be costly.
- A formal arrangement for discretionary payments was agreed. A minimum of 3 councilors must agree and record any payment.
- No financial update was available as Cllr Armstrong was not present. RM GA
- Next Parish Council Meeting – there will be no meeting in August 2022 in line with standard practice. The next meeting will be on 12th September 2022. In the absence of the Chairman and v. Chairman, P Duncan agreed to preside.