Feb 2022 Minutes

Draft Minutes of the Dunston Parish Council Meeting

Held on Monday 14th February 2022.


PRESENT: Cllrs Armstrong, Duncan, Lamyman, McLuckie, and Phillipson.

In attendance: Clerk to Council, Mrs R Boden and 7 members of the public. County Councillor Kendrick was present. District Councillor's Bailey were present.



Chairman’s welcome and announcements.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and expressed 'Thanks' to everyone for all the work that had been carried out in the last year and acknowledged the two potentially new councillors.





Report from District Councillor Pembrey – Cllr Pembrey introduced herself with this being her first meeting since election. She is looking forward to getting involved in the Protection of Rural Lincolnshire and is very interested in the work of the Community Garden.

Report from District Councillor Bailey – Cllr Bailey stated that each household in bands A-D would receive a rebate of £150, on their council tax. This covered about 69% of properties in NKDC.

In her short time as a councillor she had been contacted on fly-tipping, trees and the purchase of land.

On the 1st Saturday of the month she will be holding an open surgery at Tilly's Tearooms in Metheringham.

Metheringham are also hosting a Farmer's Market with the first being on the 7th May and another later in the year.

William Robertson's school are taking part in PREVENT and raising the awareness of vulnerable children being targeted.


Cllr Bailey left the meeting.


Report from Lincolnshire County Councillor Kendrick – Cllr Kendrick stated that it was great that that people are wanting to be on the Council.

There will be a full council meeting  on the 18th February to debate the upcoming budget and they are happy for people to attend. Lincolnshire are the second lowest in the Country on spending and are saving money by having Hybrid meetings for example.

Adult care and Children's services are working well at present and they are looking towards safe guarding, as part of PREVENT.

Please remember to report potholes on 'Fix my Street' and help with the 'Fix my Road, Fix my Street' Campaign, as part of the £12m funding gap for Lincolnshire highways.


Cllr Kendrick left the building.





22016. To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence. Cllrs Churchward and Moore.


22017. To receive members' declarations of dis closable pecuniary, non-disclosure pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in relation to any agenda item. None


22018. To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting  - 17 January 2022.  Cllr Duncan expressed for items to be removed from the minutes. These were crossed through and initialled. The Chair then signed them as a true record.




22019. To receive Pre-planning presentation - Land between 5 & 6 Lincoln Road, Dunston. A presentation was made by Andrew Inch from ID Architecture on the pre-planning of a single dwelling that incorporates the use of the pig shed already on the land.

The building will be a single storey dwelling that will be sensitive and work within the Dunston Plan. It was explained that the new build doesn't have to match it's neighbours but must be sympathetic. They are aware of the important heritage of the site. With the shallow pitch of the roof they cannot use pantiles/ slate and they are suggesting using aluminium.

There are 4 trees (3 are category C) and there is a Maple in the South Corner of the plot (Category A tree). The 3 trees will be removed but they are willing to plant 5 trees within the Village Hall grounds.

A question was raised regarding the access. The pig shed will be adjusted with one of the sections being removed to allow vehicle access. The pole from Western Power may need to be taken off site or underground.

The company have been speaking to the local neighbours regarding the finer details and are willing to present to the Parish Council again.


22020. To receive the clerk's report on correspondence received  and consider any recommendations

              a) Update from the River’s Trust. Paige Donnelly has been in contact and they are just finishing with a few larger projects and then will be ready to work with Dunston.

           b) Update on the Defibrillator Machine and Pads. The pads and charging sticks have been  ordered, but there is a 3 month delay at present. Training with Lives (Becky) had mentioned before Covid and it was felt that the clerk should approach Becky to see what could be arranged.


22021. To receive the Village Keeper's report. There was nothing to report. Cllr McLuckie expressed that H. Barbour would be offered a contract.


22022. To receive updates on all Highway matters.

              a) Sizes of Speed Gates. Cllr Churchward and the clerk had not found a time to come together to measure the gates.


22023.To receive an update on current Planning Applications.

              a) 22/0057/TPO - Chestnut House, Front Street. It was ratified, for the minutes, that there were no comments.

              b) 22/0004/HOUS. It was ratified , for the minutes, that there were no comments.

              c) 22/0005/LBC. It was ratified that there were no comments.


22024. To receive an update on current Environment Issues

              a) Grass Cutting – After discussion it was resolved  that the contract would go to Glendale for the next 3 years. The clerk to notify the parties that tendered for the contract

           b). Hedging on Fen Lane – A discussion was had regarding the area and how it could be improved. Cllr Duncan to look into hedging for the area, as he is working with LCC and partners regarding hedging for the playing field.


22025. To receive an update on current issues within the playing field.

              a) Croquet Club - Cllr McLuckie has been approached to see if it is possible for the grass on the playing field, next to the bowling green be cut to develop into croquet lanes as the bowls green is not big enough for 2 croquet lawns.

There were many questions raised over the goal posts being near the new lawn, the layout, shared equipment and storage. Many of the answers to the questions were really down to the Bowls Club and their views.

Cllr McLuckie will discuss with other Cllrs in more detail and bring back to the next meeting with a proposal. Also the Bowls Club building does need painting and they would like to add a new tarpaulin to the roof. The entrance road is also in need of repair.      

22026.To receive an update on celebrations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. There has been interest from the Community and preparations are up to date.


22027.To receive an update from the Cllr. Moore regarding the Village Hall. As Cllr Moore was absent Cllr McLuckie gave the update.

              a) Management Committee. New members had joined the committee and they had experience in several areas including website maintenance. They will be updating this shortly.

             b) Mosaic. The beginnings of discussions on building mosaics around the village hall and other areas of the village had started, for promoting EDAN and stopping domestic abuse.


Cllr Duncan explained that he had read through the conveyancing paperwork from 1980 and the land registry had been explored as to who owns the land that the village hall is built on. Further research is needed before any work is done to the car park as a 20 foot strip of land is owned by the owners of the field, to the left of the village hall, for access purposes.


22028.To consider financial matters.


        a) To review and consider payments of accounts.


Cheque Number





N. Clayton (Orchard)




N. Clayton (Tree Trimming)




LIVES (De-fib Pads)




R .Boden (Jan wage)








H. Barbour (Jan wage)








LALC (Membership)




R. Boden (expenses)




D. Pearse (Moles)








       b) To review and consider approval of bank reconciliation. The bank reconciliation statement had been shared before the meeting and it was RESOLVED that these were correct.


22029. To receive an update on the Red Lion to a Community Owned Public House. Cllr Duncan explained that applying for an Asset of Community Value (ACV) had nothing to do with who owned it. It was simply a register maintained by NKDC and if the asset came onto the market for sale, then the community would get first refusal. There was a potential for the Parish Council to become involved further down the line but by the PC filling in the ACV it would make it easier. Cllr Duncan had filled in the majority of the form and would send it to the clerk to complete.


22030. To consider volunteering matters/ positions. Cllr Duncan had been approached by a member of the community asking if there was availability for their son to volunteer to complete his DoE. After discussion it was resolved that the Council should not be the signpost for people and that it was more an individual matter within the village.

22031. To consider items for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting. Nothing brought forward.

Items of a confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press and public. Under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 (due to the confidential nature of the business)


22032. To consider the co-option of new Parish Councillors.

It was resolved in Closed session that R. Pellew and L.Treece be co-opted onto the Council. The clerk will send the paperwork across and on it's return forward to NKDC.