Jan 2022 Minutes

January 2022 Minutes

Minutes of the Dunston Parish Council Meeting. Held on Monday 17th January 2022.

PRESENT: Cllrs Armstrong, Churchward, Duncan, Lamyman, McLuckie, Moore and Phillipson.

In attendance: Clerk to Council, Mrs R Boden. County Councillor Kendrick was present. District Councillor's Bailey and Pembery were present.

Chairman’s welcome and announcements.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained why the meeting was starting late, due to the clerk's new medication meaning she did not feel safe to drive.


Report from Lincolnshire County Councillor Kendrick – Cllr Kendrick reported on the £12m funding gap for Lincolnshire highways. Residents are encouraged to share their stories and experiences to support the County Council’s campaign to central government for the additional funding.

A number of Special Needs Schools are nearing completion, either through new builds or renovatiom meaning that children should not need to travel as far for them to be able to attend school.

The annual report regarding Children's Mental Health is due out shortly and it will make interesting reading especially with Covid effecting children so much.

 Cllr Kendrick left the building.

Report from District Councillor Pembrey – Cllr Pembrey introduced herself with this being her first meeting since election. She is looking forward to getting involved in the Protection of Rural Lincolnshire and is very interested in the work of the Community Garden.

Report from District Councillor Bailey – Cllr Bailey introduced herself to the Council, with this being her first meeting since election. She is looking forward to visiting NKDC Waste Control and is looking forward to Health and Well Being and is looking at hosting Carers Support within Metheringham.

 Cllr's Pembrey and Bailey left the meeting.


 22001. To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence. None

 22002. To receive members' declarations of disclosable pecuniary, non-disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in relation to any agenda item. None

 22003. To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting  - 8 November 2021. It was RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 8th November 2021 be approved and signed as a true record by the chairman. 

 22004. To receive Chair's Report. Cllr McLuckie handed the floor to Cllr Duncan to discuss the subject of the Red Lion. 

It was decided that the Parish Council would be supportive in investigating the viability of turning of the Red Lion into a Community owned Public House and that Cllr Duncan should become the Parish Council representative.

 22005. To receive the clerk's report on correspondence received  and consider any recommendations 

a) Support for an improved cycle way to Bardney. It was Resolved that even though the cycle path was not within Dunston, the Parish Council would support.

22006. To receive the Village Keeper's report. It was resolved to accept the Village Keeper's Report.

22007.To receive updates on all Highway matters.

a) Sizes of Speed Gates. Cllr Churchward had not had time to measure for the sizes and it would be deferred to the next meeting.

22008.To receive an update on current Planning Applications.

a) 21/1543/FUL-  Hill Top Livery - Glamping Pod. It was RATIFIED, for the minutes, that there were no comments.

b) 22/0024/TCA – The Laurels, Middle Street. Removal of trees. It was RESOLVED that there were no comments.

22009. To receive an update on current Environment Issues

a) Grass Cutting – Re-tender. The closing date for tender is the 31st January and the figures will be brought to the February meeting for discussion.

22010. To receive an update on current issues within the playing field.

a) Community Orchard. The planting and aftercare will be carried out by Nathan Clayton

b) Hedging. Potentially there is a grant through The Countryside Charity and initial communication has started with.

c) Fencing. The fencing has been repaired and the insurance claim is being dealt with.

d) Work to be carried out from ROSPA report. The hole in the tunnel has been filled in but it was felt that further work be carried out during the better weather.

22011.To receive an update on celebrations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. It was RESOLVED to  bring up the subject again on facebook and see if there was any interest in the community.

22012.To receive an update from the Cllr. Moore regarding the Village Hall.

a) Management Committee. Cllr Moore informed the Council that a number of new members had joined the management committee and a meeting was due to be held shortly.

b) Staffing. Lee has now left employment and Patrick will be starting back shortly.

22013.To consider financial matters.

a) To receive and accept the clerk's report on payments between meetings. 

Cheque Number





D. Pearse












R Boden (expenses)




PKF Littlejohn




LALC Books




Staff wages




R McLuckie




P. Duncan (Xmas Tree)




F Matthews (orchard)



b) To review and consider payments of accounts.

Cheque Number









Lexia Nexis (Arnold Baker)




Staff training & wages




SP Rose Ltd




P Duncan (Gift)




R McLuckie (computer/ printer/ink)



c) To review and consider approval of bank reconciliations. It was RESOLVED that these were correct and Cllr Armstrong signed the bank reconciliation.

d) To review and consider approval of clerk's report for the purchase of a laptop and printer to carry out the clerk's responsiblities for the Council. Cllr McLuckie had already purchased a reconditioned laptop, printer and ink.

e) To review and consider the precept for 2022/2023. It was RESOLVED to reaise the Precept for 2022/2023 by 5%.

22014.To consider items for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting. Nothing brought forward.

Cllr McLuckie called the meeting to a close.

Items of a confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press and public. Under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 (due to the confidential nature of the business)

22015. Clerk's Contract.