November 2022 Minutes
Dunston Parish Council
Minutes of the Dunston Parish Council Meetng Held on Monday 14th November 2022
Present: Cllrs McLuckie (Chair), Lamyman, Pellew, Duncan, Armstrong. Clerk to Council and 1 member of the public.
Council Session
22135 To receive apologies and accept valid reasons of absence:
Received from Cllrs Churchward, Moore, Philipson, Treece, NKDC Cllr Bailey and LCC Cllr Kendrick.
22136 To receive members’ declarations of disposable pecuniary, non-disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in relation to any agenda item. No changes
22137 The minutes of the previous two meetings (10th and 24th October) were agreed as a true record.
22138 Lincolnshire County Councillor Kendrick had submitted his report in writing prior to the meeting.
22139 A thorough revision of the burial ground records had been completed by the chairman but further investigation of its boundaries was needed.
Action: TB
22140 The payment of some of the Metheringham PC invoices had been welcomed by the recipients and the Metheringham Cllrs. Repayment of the monies loaned is expected soon.
22141 The Parish website still needs some minor improvements but is much better than earlier this year.
Action: RP
22142 It was resolved to liaise closely with Metheringham PC about developments for the doctor’s surgery.
Action: RP/BL
22143 The defibrillator at the village hall was confirmed to be serviceable and had been reported as such to the emergency services earlier in the summer.
22144 The parts needed to repair the rocking Horse at the playground were to be ordered and the repair would be undertaken in-house.
Action: TB
22145 The hedge planting project was proceeding and the service level agreement with CPRE was signed.
22146 The ROSPA report on the playground equipment underlined the need for regular maintenance to be carried out and it was resolved to research appointing such a position. Discussion with Metheringham PC was thought possibly to be helpful.
Action: BL/RM/PD
22147 A dispute has arisen between the Bowls and Croquet club chairmen and they were each to be invited to present their respective cases at the next meeting for the PC to adjudicate.
Action: TB
22148 It was resolved to reply to the consultation document about possible expansion of activity at Dunston Quarry, specifically to request that all heavy lorries should be prevented from using the road across Dunston Heath which was not thought to be a suitable route for current traffic and certainly not for any increased number.
Action: TB
22149 A Xmas tree similar to that bought last year was to be ordered and erected but the lights might need to be replaced. £100 was agreed as a contribution to a possible joint event with the Village Hall at a lighting-up ceremony.
22150 The VHMC report was received. It was resolved to carry out a structural survey and to plan a schedule of maintenance work for the foreseeable future.
Action: TB
22150 Approving the 4th signatory on the Treasurer’s bank account is still in progress at the bank but the overall financial position appears to be reasonably satisfactory.
Action: RM
22151 Date and time of next meeting:
9th January 2023 at 1900