June 2022 Minutes

Minutes of the Dunston Parish Council Meeting Held on Monday 20th June 2022

Present: Cllrs McLuckie (Chair), Armstrong, Duncan, Lamyman, Pellew, Phillipson, Treece. Clerk to Council and 1 member of the public.

Chairman’s welcome and announcements.

The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Council Session

To receive apologies and accept valid reasons of absence:

Received from Cllrs Churchward and Moore.

LCC Cllr Kendrick and NKDC Cllrs Maplethorpe and Bailey may have been unaware of the revised date and had sent apologies for the 13th June.


1.          To receive members’ declarations of disposable pecuniary, non-disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in relation to any agenda item. No changes

2.          The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record.

3.          Reports from Lincolnshire County - nothing to report.

4.          Report from the Village Keeper: Two instances of vandalism had been noted, both involving damage to a wooden bench. The bench at the “Ford” or “Splash” had effectively been destroyed and thrown into the Beck. The other bench damaged was on the Village Green. The vandalism was to be reported to the police and notified to the NKDC Cllrs for statistical purposes.                                                                                                                           TB

5.          Highway matters: The Speed Gates project is still in progress. Further information at the next meeting.                                                                                                                      AP RC

6.          Environment issues:  The LRT had suggested a date of 7th July for a presentation to the PC and a walk through of the proposed site. This was agreed unanimously. Clerk to contact LRT.                                                                                                                                  TB

Quotes were to be obtained for a repair to the roadway to the playing field car park. The clerk agreed also to try to approach Beeswax Farming to ask if they could help.          LT TB

The issue of overflowing dog waste bins was raised and the possibility of replacing some with larger receptacles was discussed. Expected costs needed to be ascertained before any decision could be made. Clerk to investigate.                                                         TB

7.          Village Hall matters – the car park needs resurfacing but not before any ground works required for the development of the field behind were fully understood. Further details on ownership or codicils were to be sought from the Land Registry and any original documentation held by the PC.                                                                                               LT AP TB

8.          Financial matters: Still work in progress but the accounts being dealt with by Simon Moss. It was unanimously agreed that any discretionary payments need to be approved in advance by a two thirds majority of Cllrs.                                                           AP PD, GA, RM

9.          Code of Conduct: The revised code of conduct for Cllrs was agreed unanimously.

10.        Next Parish Council M