Mar 2022 Minutes

Minutes of the Dunston Parish Council Meeting

Held on Monday 14thMarch 2022.


Present: Cllrs McLuckie (Chair), Moore (Vice Chair), Duncan, Treece and Pellew.

In attendance: Clerk to Council, Mrs A Lowery-Barnes and 1 members of the public. District Councillor's Bailey present.


Chairman’s welcome and announcements.

Chairman opens the meeting and welcomes everyone to the meeting.



No Comments made




220033 To receive apologies and accept valid reasons of absence:

Received from Cllrs Lamyman, Armstrong and Phillipson, no apology/reason received from Cllr Churchward at time of meeting.


220034 To welcome to the Council new Parish Councillors & new Clerk

Alice Lowery-Barnes introduced to the council as the new Parish Clerk, Replacing previous clerk R.Boden. Cllrs Treece and Pellew introduced to the council and welcomed to their 1st meeting after being voted in at the last meeting.


220035 To receive members' declarations of disclosable pecuniary, non-disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in relation to any agenda item, or requests for any urgent and unforeseen additions to the agenda.



220036 Presentation from Paige Donnelly, Project Officer for Lincolnshire Rivers Trust on the future development of Dunston Beck

Delayed until April meeting


220037 To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting – 14th February 2022

No minutes brought to meeting due to change over of Clerk.


220038 Report from Lincolnshire County Councillor Rob Kendrick

Cllr Kendrick not in attendance, report read by Cllr McLuckie. Cllr McLuckie raised the question with the council and Cllr Bailey in regard to the process of how residents that may like to can register interest/apply to house Ukrainian refugees. Cllr Bailey had advised that this was a government scheme (Homes for Ukraine Scheme) rather than a local authority ran programme, although NKDC are in full support. The Government have published a website for individuals to be able to register interest from Monday the 14th of March and opening for housing applications to be available from Friday the 18th of March.


Methringham fire station are recruiting for on call fire fighters.


Homeowner flood reduction scheme is for Lincolnshire residents living in a medium to high-risk area or for those who have been previously flooded. You can now apply for funds up to £5,000.00 towards necessary surveys and flood reliance measures.


220039 Reports from North Kesteven District Councillors Amelia Bailey and Fran Pembery

Following on from the previous discussion Cllr Bailey opened by expressing her gratitude and praise to the village residents and those of surrounding villages for generosity shown and donations made in aid of the recent events in Ukraine.


Cllr Bailey would also like to encourage direct contact to report on any antisocial concerns as well as road issues as will be working with the community police person and meeting with the anti-social behaviour officer.


Family fun day to be held on Good Friday – Face painting, pottery painting, Easter egg hunt and many more activities.


Residents had raised concerns with Cllr Bailey in relation to 12 new dwellings, the council were unaware of any plans. (This has been retrospectively confirmed as being plans relating to Metheringham Fen Lane rather than in the village of Dunston.)


220040 To receive Chair's Report:

  1. Proposal 1 A proposal that a revision of Standing Orders to the copy dated 14/2/2022 are approved.

Resolved and accepted by council members.


  1. Proposal 2 A proposal that Dunston Parish Council will set up a Sub-Committee subject to paragraph 4 of standing orders, for the purpose of deciding on ground maintenance and improvement of council land. Consisting of a minimum of 3 councillors they will report to council on their decisions and subsequent effect on the council.

Not accepted due to the necessary proceedings of the sub council not proving the proposal to be more efficient than the current process of financial approval.


  1. Proposal 3 A proposal that Dunston Parish Council will set up a Personnel Sub-Committee subject to paragraph 4 of standing orders, for the purpose of hiring, appraising and overseeing contracts, pay and other personnel issues. Consisting of a minimum of 3 councillors they will report to council on their decisions and subsequent effect on the council. C

Collectively agreed that the committee type should be change to a working party, reporting into the council for approval. Changed to working party agreed.


c) Proposal 4 A proposal that the contract for Dunton Parish Council Clerk is amended to the one dated 16th February 2022, and that a payment of £329.8 is made as compensation or untaken Annual Leave in the year 2021. And a payment of £44.83 due to a backdated pay rise from April to December from £10.24 to £10.42 for 246 Hrs.

Resolved and payment approved.


e) Proposal 5 A proposal that a contract for the new Clerk to one dated 9th March 2022.

It was resolved to accept the proposal.


f) Proposal 6 A proposal that the job description for Dunton Parish Council Clerk is amended to the one dated 3 / 2022.

It was resolved to accept the proposal.


g) Proposal 7 A proposal to provide a contract of employment to H Barbour in her role as Village Keeper, with a payment of £185.3 as compensation for untaken Annual Leave in the year from April 2021.

Cllrs agreed and Cllr McLuckie is to arrange to meet with H Barbour to sign the contract and has also taken the cheque to cover pay for February hours worked and 2021 unpaid holiday; cheque to be issued in person.


h) Proposal 8 A proposal to update or introduce policies for Risk Management, Health and Safety, Sick Absence, Freedom of information, Scheme of delegation and Equal Opportunities to the Council.

New policies accepted as had previously been missing or outdated.


220041 To receive any report on correspondence received and any urgent business

a) Update from the River’s Trust

Update postponed until April meeting.


  1. Update on the Defibrillator Machine and Pads

Order has been placed by R. Boden, awaiting delivery, expected delivery 3 months from order date.


220042 To receive the Village Keeper's report

Picnic bench had been moved; this may have been moved after recent repairs.

Remnants of tree/hedge cuttings around park are in hand and to be moved/discarded shortly.

Broken LPs had been scattered on grass verge; these have since been cleared away.

Cardboard debris seen around the village, possibly from building site and litter left in front of cemetery avoiding available bins nearby. Disappointing, to be cleared if not already done so.


220043 To receive updates on all Highway matters.

a) Sizes and ordering of Speed Gates

Progress seems to have stalled, no update on progress received. Suggestion made of access to village only signs, not legally enforceable but a possible deterrent. To be discussed with Cllr Churchward not present at todays meeting.


220044 To receive an update on current Planning Applications.

No Planning applications received.


 220045 To consider current Environment Issues

  1. Grass Cutting Tenders

Grass cutting tender approved.

  1. Hedging on Fen Lane

300m hedging approved, location of hedging to be confirmed, possibility of movement if funding allows.


220046 To receive an update on current issues within the playing field.

a) Proposal 9 It is proposed that Dunston Croquet Club develop an area of land adjacent to the existing Bowls Green as an extension to the croquet lawn.

Council has no issue with the croquet club mowing the lawn on the patch they intend to play on within the playing field as this is for public use. However, if they would like sole use of this area, fencing and gates will need to be installed (to the councils agreed standard), the closely located style will need be relocated as well as the nearby goal post; this is to be at the clubs own cost. In addition to the initial outlay the sole use of the space will also attract a rental fee.  


b) Maintenance and enhancement of buildings

Equipment container located at the bowls club is need of repair as the roof is currently leaking.

Cllr McLuckie raises the question passed on from the bowls club but states that he is not be involved in the decision as he holds an interest.

The bowls club intend to paint and weatherproof the container, they have approached the council to ask if they would provide any financial support.

Cllrs discussed and agreed upon a 50% contribution being approved. Bowls club to provide proof of receipts and evidence that other suppliers/sources were considered.


  1. Hedge and tree trimming/removal

Cllrs McLuckie, Duncan & Treece organised date and time to clear the remaining trimmings. Proposed that some branches could be used against existing hedging to encourage wildlife.


  1. Repair of entrance road

Repair currently delayed due to labourer not being able to physically continue at this moment, Cllr Duncan to follow up.


  1. Jubilee plaque for the orchard

Cllrs McLuckie put forth the idea of a plastic plinth to be designed and displayed in the park. Cllr Duncan suggested asking the school children to help with the design, Cllr Moore agreeing this would be beneficial and could fit in with the jubilee festivities.


  1. ROSPA repairs

Ground starting to wear around play equipment, matting becoming exposed. Soil has been replaced in some areas, waiting for more soil to become available to continue coverage.


220047 To receive an update on celebrations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Cllr Moore outlined some on the jubilee festivities in planning – Lady’s lunch club on Thursday 2nd. Friday 3rd - adult and children’s fancy dress fun run, partner carrying race, beacon lighting ceremony with the possibility of a temporary torch being made by the fabrication students of Lincoln college, Church service, BBQ and many more activities. Saturday 4th to include traditional garden games such as tug of war etc. Sunday 5th - picnic in the park held at the village hall.


220048 To receive an update from the Cllrs Moore & Duncan regarding the Village Hall.

Cllrs Moore and Duncan have met with state surveyor for Dyson in regard to the convenance of the village hall. On-going conversations, Cllr Duncan to follow up.

Village hall new committee and have taken over financial responsibility.

2 applicants to interview for the village hall manager position.


220049 To consider financial matters.

  1. To review and consider payments of accounts.


Cheque Number





N. Clayton




H. Barbour (Feb wage + Hol. back pay)




R. Boden (Feb wage)




R. Boden (Hol. Pay 21/22)




R . Boden (Hol. Pay 20/21)




R. Boden (Back pay)




R. Boden (Bank Paperwork)








b) To review and consider approval of bank reconciliations

Accounts and reconciliations to be reviewed.


220050 To receive an update on the Red Lion as an Asset of Community Value.

Update on Red Lion ACV application, Cllr Duncan possibly to restart process?


220051 To consider items for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting.

Propose addition of larger/more dog waste bins, to consider around the school area and location of existing bins. Cost to be procured. Consider purchasing stickly labels with waste collection number so a full bin can be reported directly and emptied.


220052 Date & time of next meeting 7.30pm - April 11th 2022.