March 2021 Minutes (15th)

Minutes of the Dunston Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 15th March 2021

PRESENT: P.Cllrs R. McLuckie (RM) (Chair), P. Moore (Vice Chair), R. Churchwood (RC), P. Duncan (PD), G. Armstrong (GA), W. Haggerty (WH), C.Cllr R. Kendrick (RK),D. Cllrs N. Bryant, Clerk R. Boden (RB) and Aby Barker (AB).

1. APOLOGIES: L. Phillipson and D.Cllr L Pearson


3. ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: The minutes were held to be a true and accurate record. 



  • Newsletter has been sent out.
  • Rural Business Grant – opened/ closed on same day due to demand. Now processing in the recovery phase.
  • Obesity has become a big problem during Covid 19 and LCC along with One Lincolnshire are targeting this problem.
  • Over half of the population of Lincolnshire have received their first vaccination and the 56-59 age group are now been invited.
  • The infection rate is falling and the community testing centres are doing well, with over 25,000 people being tested and 1.33% of these testing positive.
  • The recycling centres are now taking both garden and general waste every day but booking is still required. 90/21
  • The road surfacing is going well in Dunston. It was questioned about Back Lane being missed out during the road resurfacing and the number of pot holes along it. Action: RB/ RC to report them on Fix my street. 91/21
  • The Blocked Culvert on Back Lane is going to be addressed by the Highways jetting team. 92/21


  • New NK plan has been announced. There is a £33 million regeneration programme for the next year meaning that the precept will rise by £4.95 for a Band D house equating to 2.92%. 
  • The vote on the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan for inshore wind power turbines has been passed meaning that turbines can now be 250m tall. The local decision making has been taken away as it is now in the CLLP. 

Noted LCC not happy with such turbines. 93/21


a. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Russ McLuckie: 

Roger Hall and Russ McLuckie have had a conversation regarding the working together of the Village Hall and the Parish Council and have signed a memorandum of understanding as both have the village and community at heart. 
RH wasn’t aware of the precept that the parish council had put aside just as RM wasn’t aware of what the village hall expected from the PC. 94/21


All the financial paperwork has been dropped off by Louise. ACTION: RB to pass it to GA ready for the audits. 95/21


a.Village Access Only Sign: RK to send information across to RB. 96/21

b. Speed gates: RB had sent RK an email regarding application for speed gates. RK advised the form can be found in the Highways section. WH to fill in the form and send off. RM has suggested that as all roles are new if WH has problems then she should feel she can ask for help. Highways need to sign off the form.

ACTION: WH 97/21


Application 20/1799/PNND,  Change of Use, Agricultural building to flexi commercial use – Prior approval. NB advised it was just a process that has been added. 98/21

Application 19/1482/OUT, Potato Store. S106 Paperwork: A discussion was had by the councillors regarding the development of the potato store with the main focus being on the allotments. It was questioned as to why the paperwork was needed to be in before the appeal date of the 17th March. 

At the end of the discussion a proposal was brought to ‘Accept the principle agreement that the Parish Council still wanted the allotments’ (Prop PD/ Sec GA). Outcome – Yes.

ACTION: RM to send email before 16th March. 99/21


a. Village Clerk’s Report: The report had been circulated before the meeting saying that she was concerned about the amount of litter. Also an email from Tom regarding the bins at Munks site. RM had visited on Sat morning and the lids were on. As the site is not close to the village hall it was not felt anything could be done. 100/21

b. Blocked culvert: In hand. (See 92/21)

c. Bench Bases: A number of quotes have been requested but most have come back with ‘No thank you’. Pressure is being placed upon the PC to move them from the VH. Give until next meeting for quotes to be received but a working party may be needed. 101/21

d. Hedges: It was agreed for the letters not to go out to these houses but have a quiet word in the owners ears.

ACTION: RB to discuss with RM. 102/21

e. Noise Nuisance: RM has had an email regarding noise nuisance towards an elderly gentleman that has just come out of hospital. NB stated NKDC are aware but it is hard to gain evidence. NB has repeated his offer to come and record independent evidence whatever the time. 103/21

Other. Grass Cutting: Both PD and RB now have the grass cutting schedule for Glendale but PD would appreciate the schedule from NKDC regarding their cutting schedule.

ACTION: NB to send contact details to PD. 104/21

Metheringham Train Station: An email has been received regarding the work that is going on there. Though the council are in favour it was felt it was too far from the Parish to be involved. 105/21

9. PLAYING FIELD: The incident at the playing field has been closed and HB will keep a check on any further loose debris. 106/21

Chafer Bugs: These have recently been seen appearing on the playing fields and therefore are likely to be in the other areas of the village. 

A proposal was brought ‘To get costings for the three areas to be treated’ (Pro PM/ Sec RC). ACTION: RB to contact D. Pearce for costings. 107/21


a. Update on Forward Planning: PM said that there was nothing to update as there had been no meeting. 108/21

b. Improvements and Maintenance: RM has had a good look around the village hall and noted that it is only a small area that the woodwork has taken hold and felt that it could be treated rather than the facia having to be replaced. 

The rendering is coming away from the building, where it has been hit probably by a machine. This has allowed damp to get in and affect the rendering and the paint.

ACTION: RM and PD to have a word with the painter that is at the hall and come back with some costings. 109/21

PM wanted to clarify was it the Village Hall money that was going to be used first and then the precept money could probably go towards the car park. There is money in the precept of the Parish Council to cover both the maintenance and the car park. 110/21

11. FINANCE: As of March 2021

Financial Report March 2021
Current statements:
Treasurers Account    £ 11,107.65
Bus Bank Instant    £ 15,370.30
Outstanding expenses:
D Pearse – moles    £  60.00
Clerk salary        £ 301.20
Village Keeper        £ 194.52
Total            £ 555.72
Totals after expenses:
Treasurers Account    £ 10,551.93
Bus Bank Instant    £ 15,370.30

Prop PD/ Sec RC to pay outstanding cheques 111/21

Mar21 15 tbl1

The non- Parish Council account Bus on-line Instant Saver (Trout Project):        £ 9,296.24  112/21


The meeting has been announced in the Limespring and the poster printed in there as well. PD asked that everybody lets others know that it is being held.

ACTION: RB to send out official letters of invitation to the previous discussed groups. Talk to RM if addresses are missing. 113/21

13. ANY OTHER BUSINESS: Aby expressed that she had enjoyed being invited to the meeting. She did ask if there was a Scheme of Works for the Village Hall. PM ensured her there was. It was also raised how important GDPR was. 114/21


Monday 29th March 2021 at 7.30pm via zoom.

Meeting ID: 883 592 6322     Password: 1Bsbxr

The meeting closed at 8.52pm