February 2021 Minutes (15th)

Minutes of the Dunston Parish Council Meeting

Held on Monday 15th February 2021

PRESENT: P.Cllrs R. McLuckie (RM) (Chair), P. Moore (Vice Chair), L. Phillipson (LP), R. Churchwood (RC), P. Duncan (PD), G. Armstrong (GA), C.Cllr R. Kendrick (RK), D. Cllrs N. Bryant (NB) & Clerk R. Boden (RB).

1. APOLOGIES: D.Cllr L. Pearson and P.Cllr W. Haggerty


3. ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES:  The minutes were held to be a true and accurate record. 



  • The bin collection has had to be cancelled for the first time since the beginning of Covid-19. Hopefully they will be able to resume service next week.
  • The Census will be held on the 21st March 2021, as announced in the NKDC newsletter. It will be held mainly online this time.
  • The Elections will be going ahead in May this year. No leafleting will be allowed by Councillors due to Covid.
  • Covid Support Fund. There is still money available but applications need to be in by the end of February. Please feel free to contact if you have an idea. 53/21


  • Nothing to report. 54/21


a. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Russ McLuckie: The road works have started within the village. RM has found that the road sweepings go to Grantham however the sweeper driver maybe able to drop some of the chippings at the Village Hall to be used elsewhere in the village. 55/21

Update:- No planning deposits have been left I the Village Hall grounds by 19th Feb. Assumption there will be none seems appropriate.

Rob Kendrick joined the meeting.


LIVES: 38/21 A letter was meant to have been sent around to everyone before this meeting so a discussion and vote could be taken on funding to be given to LIVES. 

A discussion was held as to if funding could be sent, as the Parish Council do not generally do this. It was felt that as we have a defibrillator at the Village Hall, and training is to be held once it is safe to do so, and LIVES have also been used by many villagers then on this occasion an exception could be made and funding given.  

A proposal was brought to send a cheque of £100 to LIVES (Prop PD/ Sec RC). A vote was taken – Outcome Yes. Organisation of cheque RM. 56/21

Handover:  RB has heard nothing from Louise regarding collecting any further paperwork. There are still many files and paperwork to be collected, including new clerk training material.  57/21


Speed Controls: (12/21 & 41/21) PD has measured the verge width and at the entry to the village, on Lincoln Road, there is room for gates to be installed. It is the usual way of contacting Highways via a form to order them. 58/21

Village Only signs:(44/21) An application to Highways is needed. RK is going to try and find what the criteria is as these applications take time and when an application is made all criteria needs to be met so that the village is successful. 59/21


Planning Appeal:19/1482/OUT Demolition of Potato Store & building of 9 dwellings and allotments, Back Lane. It is in for an appeal and all comments at application stage will be forwarded. A discussion was held and everyone was encouraged to let villagers know that they have until the 5th March to send further comments in. 60/21

Application 21/0155/HOUS Single Storey Extension to Brook Cottage, Front Lane. Approved. 61/21

Application 21/0205/TCA Trees to be removed in Conservation Area on Front Lane. Approved. 62/21

Rob Kendrick left the meeting.


a.SEWAGE ISSUES FEN LANE: There is still the ongoing issues especially with the amount of rain that has fallen recently. RM has emailed Anglian Water and is still awaiting a reply. 63/21

Bus Stop Flooding: There has been some pooling of water by the bus stops on Chapel Lane with the amount on rain. With the resurfacing works being carried this will hopefully be sorted. 64/21

9. PLAYING FIELD: RM has been to the playing and cleared loose debris away. RM has drafted a letter that was sent to the committee prior to the meeting. It was discussed and after a slight alteration it will be sent to RB to send onwards to Ms Browne. ACTION RB. 65/21

It was then discussed if checking for and removing any debris could be added to Helen Barbour’s role as Village Keeper. ACTION RM to contact. 66/21

10. VILLAGE HALL: The village hall continues to be closed until the foreseeable future though interior painting will commence on 8th March.

The new benches for the village are being stored inside the entrance hall. 67/21

11. FINANCE: Work to resolve outstanding issues is ongoing. No paperwork has been received by RM, GA or RB. ACTION PM to contact Louise and Lloyds Bank to be contacted by PM/RM 68/21

12. PUBLIC ZOOM MEETING: A discussion was held over the proposal to hold a Public Zoom conference towards end of April/early May to explain to the local residents the plans for the next Financial Year and to allow questions on subjects of interest. It was agreed to advertise the event both on Facebook and in the Limespring  and to look for a suitable date.


Monday 1st March 2021 at 7.30pm via zoom.

Meeting ID: 883 592 6322     Password: 1Bsbxr

The meeting closed at 20:41