February 2021 Minutes (1st)

Minutes of the Dunston Parish Council Meeting

Held on Monday 1st February 2021

PRESENT: P.Cllrs R. McLuckie (RM) (Chair), P. Moore (Vice Chair), L. Phillipson (LP), R. Churchwood (RC), P. Duncan (PD), G. Armstrong (GA), W. Haggerty (WH), D. Cllrs N. Bryant (NB), L. Pearson (LP1), Clerk R. Boden (RB) & Clerk L. Stocker (LS).

1. APOLOGIES: C.Cllr R. Kendrick


3. ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: Amendment made 8. ENVIRONMENT: Overgrown Hedges: WH has not had her hedge cut and the hedges on The Green will be included in the regular maintenance programme by NKDC.

With the amendment the minutes were held to be a true and accurate record. 



  • Nothing to report. Bulletin will be sent out shortly.33/21


  • Nothing to report. 34/21



Financial: As already discussed there is the important issue of transferring all of the financial paperwork across to GA and RM as LS leaves her role. The priority is the Charity Commission paperwork, the VAT registration details and the cheque books to RM.

Most of the paperwork - statements, spreadsheets and mandates are up to date. Any other paperwork and data will be given to either RM or RB as appropriate. 35/21


Pizza Oven: The Village Hall Committee have been approached by E. Burns of "Charlie Bobanelli's" to park her mobile food trailer in the grounds and she has been encouraged to approach the Parish Council to inform them. It will be discussed by the VHC at their meeting.  NO OBJECTIONS from PC to be discussed by VHC at their meeting. 36/21

Blockage of beck: There are several trees that, due to high water levels, have branches hanging into the water collecting debris. Quotes to be obtained in regard trimming them back when safe to do so. ACTION RB. 37/21

LIVES: A letter requesting funding has been received. To be discussed and voted on next meeting. ACTION LS to email copy to all. 38/21

Laura Pearson joined the meeting.

Handover: Computer and case now with RB as is the memory stick and keys. Bank mandates have been signed and sent off. All the financial requirements/ paperwork to be handed over to GA and RM. ACTION LS. 39/21


Patching and resurfacing work (24/21): To begin on the 4th February. The surfacing in the village will be completed under 2 separate traffic management set ups, so won't be done at the same time. The first section (Chapel Lane area) will be done first followed by Middle Street etc. We have been assured that there will be access into the village at all times.

If anyone finds it a problem to park on their drive they can park in the village hall. 40/21

Speed Controls (12/21): RC has spoken to Tracy at Walcot PC as to how effective the white speed gates are on their own without the white markings on the road. The results have been good. Walcott  and Branston have the same situation as Dunston with the verges/gates needing to be different sizes. LCC have stated there needs to be 600mm from the edge of the road to the gate. ACTION Measure the verge and then discuss with Walcot and Metheringham how they approached LCC if there is enough verge. 41/21


Application 21/0050/HOUSE 1 Orchard Close. Amendment to application. Approved. 42/21

Extra: To look at land registery for land that has possibly been acquired by the owner of Nocton House. ACTION RB. 



Signage: Spires and Steeples footpath sign has fallen down. ACTION RB 43/21

Fly Tipping: The fly tipping and accident damage on the B1188 has been removed.

Signage: It was questioned if a “Village Access Only” sign could be located on the road to Metheringham to discourage traffic from using the village as a rat run. 

Signs would have to be erected at both ends of the village and may need a Traffic Regulation Order. Email to RK to see if this is possible. ACTION RB 44/21

Public Footpath:  The footpath across the fields to Metheringham, at the corner of Chapel Lane and Metheringham Road needs to be reinstated as the farmer has ploughed it. It is part of the Spires & Steeples route. Letter to LCC. ACTION RB 45/21

b. SEWAGE ISSUES FEN LANE: There is still the ongoing issues with sewage running into the beck and down the road. A village meeting, with Anglian Water in attendance, was held over a year ago and as yet there has been no improvements. There are 3 new housing developments that are are being built/ been granted and these will effect this issue even more. 

With all the additional rain the tankers are back, parking at the end of Fen Lane, and running 24/7 due to the lack of capacity into the sewage network. This is causing the residents of the Fen Lane Properties noise population. Mr Plummer has recently contacted NB over his concerns. Letter to LCC with Anglian Water and EA being copied in. ACTION RB 46/21

Flooding Back Lane: The culvert under the road is blocked and this has caused local flooding. It has been reported. 47/21

Dog Waste: The dog waste bin on Fen Lane is full and has been reported. It should be noted that it is everybody's responsibility that if they find a bin full they should report it. This can be done by either phoning NKDC on 01529 414155 and reporting the bin number or by filling in the form on the NKDC website.

Willow Lane is really bad at the moment with people not even bothering to try and pick it up. Suggestions are needed as to what can be done?48/21 

Overgrown Hedges: The hedge on the bridleway to Nocton cutting back, especially as people who walk down there are starting to bend/ snap areas of the hedge down to enable them to use it.

The hedge that runs along the school that is overgrown (14/1) (23/1) has had Beeswax come out and trim some of it but Mr Munks still needs to be approached. ACTION RB 49/21

Stepping Out Area: The 5 barred gate at the Stepping Out area needs repairing . ACTION RB

9. PLAYING FIELD: It has been reported that a child has been injured by falling backwards onto one of the stones. Members of the PC have visited the field to understand the placing of the stones. It was explained why the stones were placed where they were and what intention of learning was attached to them being put in the park in the first place. ROSPA were involved throughout and found them to be low risk. This is the first accident in 6 years.

A proposal was brought to ‘Move the Stones’ (prop PD/ sec GA). A vote was taken – Outcome was No.

As part of their annual inspection ROSPA are to be asked for advice and extra signage to be placed in and around the playing field. ACTION RM 50/21

10. VILLAGE HALL: The village hall continues to be closed until the foreseeable future. The VH manager has noticed  woodworm in the facias of the building. Advised to take to VH committee. Also downpipe is damaged at ground level and it was suggested that Greendale may have caused it when strimming. Advised that as there were no witnesses it can not be proven to be them. Advised to take to VH committee. 51/21

11. FINANCE: Work to resolve outstanding issues is ongoing. All financial paperwork to be handed to GA and cheque books to RM. ACTION LS. 52/21


Monday 15th February 2021 at 7.30pm via zoom.

Meeting ID: 883 592 6322     Password: 1Bsbxr

The meeting closed at 8.54pm