April 2021 Minutes (19th)
Minutes of the Dunston Parish Council Meeting
Held on Monday 19th April 2021
PRESENT: P.Cllrs R. McLuckie (RM) (Chair), P. Moore (Vice Chair), L. Phillipson (LP), R. Churchwood (RC), P. Duncan (PD), G. Armstrong (GA), W. Haggerty (WH), D. Cllrs N. Bryant and Clerk R. Boden (RB)
1. APOLOGIES: C.Cllr R. Kendrick and D.Cllr L Pearson
3. ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: The minutes were held to be a true and accurate record for the previous meeting held on the 15th March, the extra-ordinary meeting held on the 29th March and the Annual Parish Meeting held on the 5th April.
Help to address overweight:
Being obese or overweight increases a person’s risk of serious illness or death from Covid-19. The government has announced £100m of new funding to support children, adults and families achieve and maintain a healthy weight. £70m will be invested in weight management services – made available through the NHS and councils. The remaining £30m will fund initiatives to help people maintain a healthy weight including access to a free NHS 12-week weight loss plan app and continuation of the Better Health marketing campaign to motivate people to make healthier choices - www.nhs.uk/better-health/
The LCC Public Health team is exploring ‘tackling obesity’ being one of the key Covid recovery priorities for Lincolnshire as we start to move through the roadmap for easing restrictions.
In the meantime there are plenty of ways to get active and healthy at www.oneyoulincolnshire.org.uk/ or there are details of activities throughout the county through Connect to Support here or contact the Office: 01522 705162.
Covid update – universal testing offer:
A universal testing offer for the Lateral Flow Devices (LFD) is available from collection sites and as a direct to home service . Anyone will be able to access asymptomatic testing for secondary aged pupils and above through the most appropriate channel and pick up self-test kits if they request one.
This will help manage the risk of increased transmission associated with the next stage of the roadmap. It will:
- simplify the offer by removing explicit eligibility criteria – anyone in England who is not subject to specific testing policies (such as the borders testing, care home PCR testing) will be able to access a test at site, collect self-test kits to take home or order a test kit direct to their home.
- target enduring transmission of Covid, by focussing on areas with high transmission rates. The aim is to drive up testing where prevalence of the virus remains high and vaccine uptake is lower.
Providing easier access to self-testing means significantly more people can access regular twice-weekly testing and aims to find infectious cases and help mitigate the risk as the country moves from lockdown.
A confirmatory PCR, for home testing, will remain the eligibility gateway for the Test and Trace Support Payment (TTSP) for self-reported positive test results. For more details on home testing: https://www.gov.uk/order-coronavirus-rapid-lateral-flow-tests
Community Testing will continue to play a significant part in this effort. We now have the freedom to start to widen eligibility for self-test in line with local priorities. Which means in addition to any local priorities, anyone can pick up self-test kits if they request one.
In addition, follow-up tests are now encouraged for all positive LFD test results irrespective of the situation under which the test was taken. Previously there was no requirement for a follow-up PCR test following an assisted positive LFD test result (assisted test is where the person takes the test under supervision and the result is reported by a trained operator).
This will reduce the number of people self-isolating unnecessarily because of false positives from LFD tests in areas of low population prevalence of Covid.
NHS Test and Trace are strengthening communications to emphasise the importance of reporting and acting on results from home tests. This will focus on instilling a habit of testing and reporting.
The NHS will become the primary online channel for communicating testing information to the general public. The NHS website coronavirus hub will be extended with new, clearer guidance on the options available and where to find tests. Additionally, NHS Test and Trace will focus communication efforts on regions of high prevalence, under-represented groups, and disproportionately impacted groups, where enduring transmission is highest.
We will of course be promoting this for our residents and updating our website, together with the LRF, districts and other partners, as we get more updates from the government website - https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus 150/21
- No report 151/21
The Annual Parish Meeting held on the 5th of April was deemed a success despite the challenges of Zoom and there has been a lot of positive feedback. It was estimated that there were 25-35 people from the village in attendance and the only thing that could have made it better was if the village could have met in person in the village hall. 152/21
Paperwork has been received from Tinn Criddle Solicitors regarding copies of the S106 agreement to sign if the planning for 19/1482/OUT is approved. ACTION: RB to handover to RM. 153/21
The payroll has been received from LS and along with the P60. £55.20 is due to HMRC for Helen’s wages but this amount will be slightly wrong in total for the year as the back pay that was owed has not been put down on the system, though she has been paid it. It was decided to settle the amount and then work backwards and correct the amount through HMRC. 154/21
c. GDPR.
The ICO has been paid in previous years when the invoice has been issued but it was felt that the PC did not need to pay it due to exemption. NB agreed that it would probably be paid for by NKDC.
It was felt by the council not to pay it this time around unless anything else was heard otherwise.
Prop RM/ Sec GA 155/21
The PC should also have a Data Protection Officer and as correspondence comes through the clerk it was felt it would be best added to her role. 156/21
d. Feedback Annual Parish Meeting.
Already discussed in Chairman’s Report.
a. Speed Gates.
The form for the speed gates has not been completed yet as the council are still waiting for LCC to assess the grounds. 157/21
b. Village Access Only Sign: Matter Outstanding.
c. Grit Bin.
LCC have decided that the bin should not be replaced on Back Lane but was happy that it could be brought back to the council for them to discuss. RC knew of several elderly residents on Back Lane who had fallen on several occasions due to the ice and it was asked for RB to go back and ask again. ACTION: RB 158/21
Application 21/0241/HOUSE- The Willows. Approved. 159/21
a.Quotes for Benches.
No further quotes have been received back despite a reminder email to the relevant companies, giving a closing date of the 16th April. As minuted previously 124/21 the PC would accept the lowest quote that they have faith in. Stephen Redshaw to be offered the contract. 160/21
b.Quotes for external work on the Village Hall.
No further quotes have been received back despite a reminder email being sent to the relevant companies, giving a closing date of the 16th April. As minuted previously 123/21 the PC would accept the lowest quote that they have faith in. Steve Hill to be offered the contract. 161/21
a. Village Keeper’s Report.
The Village Keeper’s report had been circulated before the meeting. Helen has requested that the small bin is replaced with a larger black bin that would then be emptied by NKDC. ACTION: RB to find about purchase costs and liaise with Helen as to where she would like it placing. 162/21
b. Rent for Bowls & Croquet Club.
The Agreement between the PC and the Bowls Club and Croquet Club needs to be updated with new signatories and RM is in the process of this.
It was discussed as to where the rent for the forth coming year should be set. In the previous year, each club’s rent was waived along with the water bill. As a gesture of goodwill, it was decided on a 50% reduction of rent for each club but the water bill would have to be paid as in previous years.
Prop PM/ Sec GA. 163/21
a. Management Committee requests from meeting on 31st March.
It was brought to the PC to ask if there was a possibility of having some lights installed in the car park when the resurfacing work was carried out as there has been several falls due to the uneven surface. Also, would the vehicular access still need to be maintained once the housing development had been completed or would it become pedestrian access only.
It was felt that it was too early to discuss the lighting situation as the plans could be amended at any time during the build. ACTION: RM to look out the planning application. 164/21
a. Outcome of EOM.
GA is just tying up the last few pieces of the audited accounts and then the AGAR will be ready to be filled in and brought the PC meeting. 165/21
b. Audit and VAT.
The VAT should be able to be reclaimed as in previous years. The claim for 2019/20 was posted on the 1st April. GA will then start the 2020/21 accounts. ACTION: RM to return the cheque books back to GA. 166/21
c. Accounts
Current Statement
Treasurers Account (statement dated 19.03.2021) £ 11,362.13
Bus Instant Access Account (statement 01.04.2021 £ 15,370.54
Outstanding expenses:
Glendale Countryside £ 80.34
First Call Corporation £ 616.92
Village Keeper £ 134.52
HMRC Tax £ 55.20
Clerk Salary (Training, Overtime and Expenses) £ 512.07
Total £1399.05
Totals after expenses:
Treasurers Account £ 9,963.08
Bus Bank Instant £15,370.54
An updated bank account for the Treasurers Account is due in shortly as is the Precept and this will give a more up to date account at the next meeting.
The Parish Council also curate an account holding funds allocated to preservation work on behalf of the Trout Project. The current balance is £9,300.45. 167/21
a.Wages. The National Living wage for Helen will rise to £8.91 from the 1st April and it was felt that it was appropriate that Rowena was not present when the review was done for her wage to be discused, and it would be done outwith the meeting. 168/21
b.Training. Pauline is booked onto two finance courses in June via LALC. 168/21
Monday 3rd May 2021 at 7.30pm via zoom.
Meeting ID: 883 592 6322 Password: 1Bsbxr
The meeting closed at 8.48pm