July 2021 Minutes (5th)

 Minutes of the Dunston Parish Council Meeting

Held on Monday 5 July 2021.


PRESENT: C Cllr R. Kendrick, D Cllr N. Byatt. P Cllrs R. McLuckie (RM)(Chair), P. Moore  (PM)(Vice Chair), L. Phillipson (LP), P. Duncan (PD), G. Armstrong (GA), Clerk R. Boden (RB) and resident K. Lee (KL)


Wendy Haggerty and Ed Vinter have resigned their positions on the Parish Council. Thank you goes to both of them for their contributions whilst on the Council. Their positions have become vacant and RB will contact NKDC for the paperwork to advertise.214/21


1. Apologies. D. Cllr L. Pearson and Cllr R. Churchward.






The minutes were held to be a true and accurate record for the previous  Council meeting held on the 7 June 2021. 215/21

The minutes were held to be a true and accurate record for the Finance Sub Committee meeting held on 14 June 2021. 216/21




It was established that the area being spoken about on Prior Lane is known as The Ford.


Mr Lee has lived in the house behind the warehouses, on Prior Lane, for a number of years but recently when the warehouses came up for sale he purchased them. He has since found out that not only does he own up­_to the chain-link fence but the riverbank as well and that whilst he does not own the beck he has to ‘look after’ the beck half way across. 


His main worry is that as he is the landowner if there is any accident then he will be held liable.


RM explained that we were aware that somebody had constructed a wooden bench there and as there had been reports of rubbish and litter the PC had  decided to place a bin there. Due to its size NKDC emptied the bin. 


KL was asked what he would like as a possible solution. He would prefer not to own the land due to the potential of an accident and neither does he want to be the public enemy if the tree was taken down and this was the reason he had approached the council for direction.


NB expressed that by putting the bin there the PC had created a destination and endorsed the meeting place and should help the land owner to re-establish the area as before.


A discussion was held to what possible solutions could be put in place to make everyone safe. Such things as a notice stating using the swing would not be sufficient, taking the bin away and fencing the tree off would possibly be a solution but people could climb the fence or to take the swing and branch away, thereby managing the risk.


KL was asked if he would prefer the bin to be removed. He felt that this was something that he needed to consult his wife over as he wanted to work with the council and this is why he had come to the meeting requesting their help. If the bin was removed it would create a litter problem as well.


A proposal was put forward that following discussions with the land owner the Parish Council’s recommendation was to support his decision to remove the overhanging branch and hence the swing. This would remove the hazard and reduce the risk of injury. (Prop PM, Sec GA)

Vote taken: 3 for, 1 against and 1 abstain. 217/21


Mr Lee left the meeting.





    • LCC are finally getting back to business with the meetings being held in the main council chambers

    • He is now on both the Adult and Well-being committee as these boards have integrated.

    • Special Educational needs spend has risen.

    • Increase in housing for those with disabilities.

    • There have been a number of Covid grants issued around the area.

    • Tourism is now being encouraged all year round rather than seasonal on the coast.

    • 750,000 trees are to be planted with the Woodland Trust. 218/21



The Central Plan has been published and parishioners should read and comment on it.

    • Climate support recommending that each house should be carbon neutral.

    • Slightly reduced houses built each year.

    • Look at what the impact is for Dunston.

    • Possibly review Dunston’s Plan once the Central Plan has been finalised.


The Yarn Bombing looks great and he will be pushing both it and the cause.

NK nominations for the Community Awards closes on the 4th September.

The antisocial behaviour team will be hosting an event.

The uncut grass on Hall’s Court has been now added to the NK plan for grass cutting. 219/21




a.CHAIRMAN’S REPORT, Russ McLuckie: 

PM was brilliant on the radio regarding the yarn bombing happening in the village. The Churches Together Welcome Pack, that has previously been sent out, is  as an introduction to the village.  ACTION: RB to add to website.


Is there anything else that should be added to the website? All councillors to have a think about it.

At present there is only an older paper copy of the electoral register. ACTION: RB to acquire updated copies for everyone. It was felt that if a councillor resigns then their copy should be returned.


The community police panel has been disbanded as per email but June Gwillym is allowed to carry on the police support group. ACTION: RB to send letter of thanks. 220/21


Rob Kendrick left the meeting.


b.CLERK’S REPORT, Rowena Boden:

RB has received an email from NB regarding overgrown elders in the cemetary that is hindering the Norton family from attending the grave. The family are happy for either the PC or themselves (if the PC is happy) to trim back the elders.  

It was discussed and agreed that whilst the grass is now cut by Glendale there is nothing else done to the cemetary due to the loss of the cemetary keeper. ACTION: RB to contact the family with the help of NB. 221/21


c. ICO GDPR payment:

It was discussed at a previous meeting for the PC not to pay the GDPR payment as it was felt that councillors were exempt. Further emails have been sent back and forth and RB has done as much research as she could. Whilst councillors are exempt the Parish Council, as a whole, are not.

It was agreed to pay the £40 fee. ACTION: RB to present cheque for signatories. 222/21




a. Back Lane:

RB has complained numerous times on Fix my Street and the answer has been that nothing is to be carried out presently due to roadworks being scheduled further down the line. 223/21


b. Speed Gates:

RB gave an update as to where the gates could possibly go. ACTION: RB to fill in the application form and find futher prices along with RC. 224/21


After the ‘repairing’ of Front Street’s 23 potholes the residents feel the condition of the road is worse with water now pooling in various areas of the road. ACTION: RB to complain on Fix my Street again. 225/21




Application: 21/0783/HOUS – 2 Orchard Close, Dunston. No comments from the councillors. Application approved. 226/21




a. Trees on Meadow Road/ Playing Field

RB had received an email from a parishioner over their concerns regarding a neighbour’s tree. RM had looked at the trees and it overhangs the parishioner’s land and the garage. The information about likely ownership has been given to said party. 227/21


The dog bin on Back Lane has become loose from it’s mounting as the fence has rotted out. ACTION: RB to organise a new bin on a mounting post. 228/21




a. Litter Bin 

To put on hold for the month in case the bin that is located by The Ford does need to be moved. 229/21


b. Quotes for fencing around Dog Walk 

RB had provided three quotes but they were not like for like as each quoter had given different numbers of rails that needed to be replaced.


A discussion was had as to whether a full replacement should be carried out and rather than a number of rails and posts each year. 


ACTION: PD  to measure the field fully and pass to RB to obtain further quotes. 230/21




a. Management Committee update.

The committee are planning an open day with JF and RF attending when it is possible due to COVID.

RB has filled in the application for the Restart Grant. Only an idea at the moment but the storge room of the Lamyman Room could be possibly changed to an office that could bring in a potential income if it is hired out. 

The Hub is looking to open again from August/ September and are looking at using broadband to create a digital hub, with the expertise being provided by NKDC. ACTION: RB to get quotes for fast broadband.

PM questioned if the car park would be updated shortly. It is something that the PC would like to do if money allows. ACTION: PD agreed to request an update on materials from S Redshaw 231/21




a. AGAR 2020-2021. 

This has been completed and the paperwork has been sent to PKF Littlejohn. The necessary files have been uploaded to the website to give the notice for the period for the exercise of public rights commencing on the 29 June 21 and ending on the 9 August 21. 232/21


PM has been on a couple of Finance and VAT courses that are part of the Annual Training Scheme run through LALC. She gave a quick briefing of them and commentated on the parts that she had found very useful.


b. Accounts

Current Statement  
Treasurers Account (statement dated 30 June 2021) £29,885.20
Bus Instant Access Account (statement dated 1 June 2021) £15,370.93

There are no cheques outstanding and the Treasurers Account has been reconciled for the months of April to June as previously discussed at the EOM meeting on the 29 March 2021. This report will be issued for the next council meeting.

The Parish Council also curate an account holding funds allocated to preservation work on behalf of the Trout Project. The current balance is £9,300.45. 233/21




Usually the Parish Council have a break during the month of August but with the situation as it stands it was decided to hold a meeting. Due to the timing of the statements being sent it was felt that the meeting would be better being held on the second Monday of the month, to be able to give a more accurate figure.


The meeting closed at 9.50pm