May 2021 Parish Council Annual Meeting

 Minutes of the Dunston Parish Council Annual Meeting

Held on Monday 3 May 2021.


PRESENT: P.Cllrs R. McLuckie (RM)(Chair), P. Moore  (PM)(Vice Chair), L. Phillipson (LP), P. Duncan (PD), G. Armstrong (GA), W. Haggerty (WH), D. Cllrs N. Bryant and Clerk R. Boden (RB) 


The High Court has ruled that from the 7 May 2021 Parish Councils cannot just hold zoom meetings but return to the formal Parish Council Meetings where the public are invited to attend face to face.

In the month of May the Annual Parish Council Meeting needs to be held, to elect the Chair and other roles within the Council, and with this High Court ruling it means that either another meeting would have to called and held in the Village Hall or have an amendment of the Agenda and have it appended to the front of the Parish Council meeting.


A discussion was had and whilst it is poor management no rules have been broken. It was felt that if a member of the public wanted to challenge this then the council officials would be re-elected.

A proposal to hold the meeting tonight was put forward by LP and seconded by PD. A consensus was carried but it is to be recorded that PM had expressed her concern. 169/21


1. Election of Chairman

RM was proposed by PM and seconded by GA. Accepted. 170/21


2. Election of Vice Chairman

PA was proposed by PD and seconded by GA. Accepted. 171/21


3. Appointment of Village Hall representative.

PM was proposed by GA and seconded by PM. Accepted. 172/21


4. Acceptance of the Auditor.

R Gawne was proposed by GA and seconded by PM. 173/21


5. Acceptance of Current Standing Orders.

It was explained that standing orders are the Parish Councils terms of reference/ guidance that are used. ACTION: RM to print and deliver a hard copy to each councillor. 174/21


6. APOLOGIES: C.Cllr R. Kendrick and Cllr R Churchwood. 175/21




8. ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: The minutes were held to be a true and accurate record for the previous meeting held on the 19th of April. 177/21




    • No report 


    • Restart grants have been available since the 1st of April and they have not been suspended at the present time. 

    • When attending the Polling Station on the 6th May face masks must be worn and it is advised that you take your own pen. Polling cards are not required. 178/21




RM has met with Roger Hall (Chairman of Dunston Village Hall Management Committee) and they have walked around the Village Hall and its grounds and together have drawn up a five-year maintenance plan. The document was sent out prior to the meeting. If everybody could find the time to read through and any issues can then be discussed at the next meeting. It was felt that it may be useful to have Mr Redshaw have a quick look through the list and give guidance in establishing costings and priority of work to be carried out. 179/21

The paperwork that was received from Tinn Criddle Solicitors in connection to the S106 agreement for planning application 19/1482/OUT has been signed but it will only be activated if planning is approved. 180/21


The Grit Bin on Back Lane will be reinstated within the next couple of months. 181/21

HMRC has explained the procedure that needs to be carried out to correct the tax and it will be done shortly. 182/21



Nothing to report.



Application 21/0667/TCA – Cherry Blossom Tree at Otters Holt. Approved. 183/21



a. Progress on Benches.

The bases have been completed and the benches are in the process of being erected/ sited depending on the weather. 184/21


b. Progress of external work on the Village Hall.

Steve Hill is to begin the external work on the hall on the 17th of May 2021. 185/21


c. Habitat Improvement Work.

It was discussed the way forward and was felt that some more information was needed, and an invite be sent for the next meeting. ACTION: RB to email. 186/21



Costings of a new bin has been received and information passed onwards to the Councillors. 187/21

RM has received a cheque for £500 from the Bowls Club, as part of the agreement previously signed for the refurbishment of the Club House. 188/21



a. Management Committee requests from meeting on 26th April.

PM had sent information out prior to the meeting and she had been asked by the management committee to find out how the Parish Council felt, and would they support Roger Hall and the other members or was there a different way that the PC wanted to address these requests. 

The VH finance is separate from the PC now and accounts are audited separately. If the charity is dissolved and the hall run by the committee then the accounts would have to be presented at the same time as the PC accounts. ACTION: RM to talk to RH. 189/21

b. Footpath and Right of Way. 

The right of way and footpath is not shown on the planning application, though the owner of the land is of the opinion that it would still be in place. ACTION: RM with the help of NB to speak to planning as the PC need to know regarding car parking and lights. 190/21



a. AGAR.

The accounts and paperwork for 2019/20 are complete and the AGAR has been signed off by both the internal auditor and by RM. It has been brought to the meeting so that it can be minuted and the paperwork sent on to Littlejohn. 191/21

The accounts for 2020/21 will hopefully be finished for June.


b. Accounts

Current Statement


Treasurers Account (statement dated 19.04.2021)


Bus Instant Access Account (statement 01.04.2021



Income (to be banked)

£ 500.00


Outstanding Expenses

Village Keeper 

£ 136.96

Clerk Salary (Overtime and Expenses)

 £ 390.66

Bright Pay (to be paid to Rowena)

£   58.80


£ 586.42


Totals after expenses:

Treasurers Account


Bus Bank Instant


The precept was banked on the 1st of April 2021. 

The Parish Council also curate an account holding funds allocated to preservation work on behalf of the Trout Project. The current balance is £9,300.45. 192/21



Monday 7th June at 7.30pm in the Lamyman Room of the Village Hall.


The meeting closed at 8.56pm