November 2023 Minutes
Minutes of the Dunston Parish Council Meeting - Monday 13th Nov 2023
Present: Cllrs McLuckie, Duncan, Lamyman, Armstrong, Rankin, Phillipson, Pellew, LDC Cllr Kendrick, Clerk to the council and 9 members of the public.
Ian Willoughby from Dyson Farming gave a comprehensive presentation to all assembled on Dunston Beck and its catchment area, the local geology and hydrology of the surface water drainage.
LDC Cllr Kendrick gave his monthly report which mentioned that those parishioners whose houses had been affected by the recent flooding might be able to apply for a council tax rebate.
Council Session
23112 Apologies for absence: Cllr Treece.
23113 To receive members’ declarations of disposable pecuniary, non-disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in relation to any agenda item.
No Changes
23114 The minutes of the previous meeting on 9th Oct were agreed as a true record.
23115 The name “The Old Orchard” was approved unanimously for the development behind the village hall.
Action: TB
23116 It was resolved to form an Emergency Planning Committee (EPC) to formulate and develop a plan for the village response to any future emergency affecting a significant number of households.
Action: AP, EPC
23117 It was decided to liaise closely with Dyson Farming in planning work to try to reduce the likelihood of Dunston Beck flooding again in the future.
Action: EPC
23118 The proposal to build an anaerobic digester on the Metheringham Airfield site fed with chicken manure was discussed and a volunteer to join a “Task and Finish Group” reporting to Blankney PC was sought.
Action: RM
23119 Cllr Duncan gave a report of the meeting in Potterhanworth to discuss policing in Lincolnshire. He agreed to continue his involvement in further developments with this body.
Action: PD
23120 It was resolved to request that the roof repair required at the village hall should be contracted to DP Wilkinson in accordance with their quotation and completed as soon as the practicable.
Action: TB
23121 The PC resolved to reimburse Cllr McLuckie £122.15 for the materials he had purchased with which to repair the playground equipment.
Action: TB
23122 Mr Dick Seddon was thanked for the work which he does maintaining the church clock and adjusting the time each spring and autumn and it was resolved to give him £50 as a token of the villagers’ gratitude.
Action: TB
23123 It was resolved not to renew the inspection contract with HAGS, the supplier of the equipment at the playground. It was agreed that an annual inspection conducted by ROSPA should be sufficient, any required repairs noted could then be contracted to HAGS or any other suitable agency.
Action: TB
23124 The date for this year’s Christmas function was agreed as Sat 16th December and expenditure of up to £150 was authorized; the amount to be shared equally between the Village Hall and the Parish Council.
Action: PD RP
23125 Salaries since the last meeting and two invoices were agreed for payment.
Action: TB
Next Meeting: Mon 9th January 2024 at 1900. Dunston Village Hall.