May 2022 Agenda Annual Parish Council Meeting

Dunston Parish Council

Parish Council Meeting

This meeting will take place on Monday 9th May 2022 at 8.30pm in the Lamyman Room of the Village Hall and be preceded by the Annual Parish meeting.

This meeting will consist of the election of officers and urgent matters only

All Councillors are Summoned to attend.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SESSION – that will last no more than 15 minutes

Questions or points raised by residents and members of the public.


  1. To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence.
  2. To receive members' declarations of disclosable pecuniary, non-disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in relation to any agenda item.
  3. Election of Chairman & signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
  1. Election of Vice Chairman & signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
  1. Selection of Auditor and Village Hall representative.
  1. Agree that current standing orders are appropriate.
  2. To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting – 12th April 2022.
  3. Report from Lincolnshire County Councillor Rob Kendrick.
  4. Reports from North Kesteven District Councillors Amelia Bailey and Fran Pembery
  5. To receive the Village Keeper's report
  6. To receive updates on all Highway matters.
  7. To receive an update on current Planning Applications.
  8. To consider current Environment issues or issues within the playing field.
  9. To receive an update on celebrations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
  10. To consider financial matters.
  11. Date & time & arrangements for next meetings.