March 2022 Agenda

Dunston Parish Council

The meeting of Dunston Parish Council will take place on Monday 14 March 2022

 at 7.30pm in the Lamyman Room of the Village Hall.


All Councillors are Summoned to attend.


The business to be transacted at the meeting will be as follows:-

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SESSION – that will last no more than 15 minutes

Questions or points raised by residents and members of the public.


Members' code of conduct – members are reminded to submit to the Monitoring Officer at North Kesteven District Council any changes to their content of their Register of Member Interests forms.

  1. To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence.
  2. To welcome to the Council new Parish Councillors & new Clerk
  3. To receive members' declarations of disclosable pecuniary, non-disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in relation to any agenda item, or requests for any urgent and unforeseen additions to the agenda.
  4. Presentation from Paige Donnelly, Project Officer for Lincolnshire Rivers Trust on the future development of Dunston Beck
  5. To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting – 14th February 2022
  6. Report from Lincolnshire County Councillor Rob Kendrick
  7. Reports from North Kesteven District Councillors Amelia Bailey and Fran Pembery
  8. To receive Chair's Report:
    1. Proposal 1 A proposal that a revision of Standing Orders to the copy dated 14/2/2022 are approved.
  1. Proposal 2 A proposal that Dunston Parish Council will set up a Sub-Committee subject to paragraph 4 of standing orders, for the purpose of deciding on ground maintenance and improvement of council land. Consisting of a minimum of 3 councillors they will report to council on their decisions and subsequent effect on the council.
  2. Proposal 3 A proposal that Dunston Parish Council will set up a Personnel Sub-Committee subject to paragraph 4 of standing orders, for the purpose of hiring, appraising and overseeing contracts, pay and other personnel issues.  Consisting of a minimum of 3 councillors they will report to council on their decisions and subsequent effect on the council.
  3. Proposal 4 A proposal that the contract for Dunton Parish Council Clerk is amended to the one dated 16th February 2022, and that a payment of £329.8 is made as compensation or untaken Annual Leave in the year 2021. And a payment of £44.83 due to a backdated pay rise from April to December from £10.24 to £10.42 for 246 Hrs.
  4. Proposal 5 A proposal that a contract for the new Clerk to one dated 9th March 2022.
  5. Proposal 6 A proposal that the job description for Dunton Parish Council Clerk is amended to the one dated 3 / 2022.
  6. Proposal 7 A proposal to provide a contract of employment to H Barbour in her role as Village Keeper, with a payment of £185.3 as compensation for untaken Annual Leave in the year from April 2021.
  7. Proposal 8 A proposal to update or introduce policies for Risk Management, Health and Safety, Sick Absence, Freedom of information, Scheme of delegation and Equal Opportunities to the Council.



  1. Proposal 1 A proposal that a revision of Standing Orders to the copy dated 14/2/2022 are approved.
  1. Proposal 2 A proposal that Dunston Parish Council will set up a Sub-Committee subject to paragraph 4 of standing orders, for the purpose of deciding on ground maintenance and improvement of council land. Consisting of a minimum of 3 councillors they will report to council on their decisions and subsequent effect on the council.
  2. Proposal 3 A proposal that Dunston Parish Council will set up a Personnel Sub-Committee subject to paragraph 4 of standing orders, for the purpose of hiring, appraising and overseeing contracts, pay and other personnel issues.  Consisting of a minimum of 3 councillors they will report to council on their decisions and subsequent effect on the council.
  1. Proposal 5 A proposal that a contract for the new Clerk to one dated 9th March 2022.
  1. Proposal 6 A proposal that the job description for Dunton Parish Council Clerk is amended to the one dated 3 / 2022.
  1. Proposal 7 A proposal to provide a contract of employment to H Barbour in her role as Village Keeper, with a payment of £185.3 as compensation for untaken Annual Leave in the year from April 2021.
  2. Proposal 8 A proposal to update or introduce policies for Risk Management, Health and Safety, Sick Absence, Freedom of information, Scheme of delegation and Equal Opportunities to the Council
  1. To receive any report on correspondence received and any urgent business
    1. Update from the River’s Trust
    2. Update on the Defibrillator Machine and Pads
  2. To receive the Village Keeper's report
  3. To receive updates on all Highway matters.
    1. Sizes and ordering of Speed Gates
  4. To receive an update on current Planning Applications.
  5. To consider current Environment Issues
    1. Grass Cutting Tenders
    2. Hedging on Fen Lane
  6. To receive an update on current issues within the playing field.
    1. Proposal 9 It is proposed that Dunston Croquet Club develop an area of land adjacent to the existing Bowls Green as an extension to the croquet lawn.
    2. Maintenance and enhancement of buildings
    3. Hedge and tree trimming/removal
    4. Repair of entrance road
    5. Jubilee plaque for the orchard
    6. ROSPA repairs
  7. To receive an update on celebrations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
  8. To receive an update from the Cllrs Moore & Duncan regarding the Village Hall.
  9. To consider financial matters.
    1. To review and consider payments of accounts.
    2. To review and consider approval of bank reconciliations
  10. To receive an update on the Red Lion as an Asset of Community Value.
  11. To consider items for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting.
  12. Date & time of next meeting           7.30pm - April 11th 2022