February 2025 DRAFT Minutes
Minutes of the Dunston Parish Council Meeting - Monday 10th February 2025
Present: Cllrs McLuckie, Duncan, Lamyman, Pellew, Phillipson and Treece. Two members of the public and Clerk to the council.
Public session
It was confirmed that mail deposited in the mail box at the village hall would be received by the PC but a formal letter was handed personally to the clerk by one member of the public. It was also suggested that some of the minutes of PC meetings could include details of points raised in addition to resolutions passed. The issue of the caravan parked semi permanently on Front Street was raised by a member of the public. It was suggested that it should have lights displayed at the front as well as the reflectors visible to the rear. It was agreed to clarify this point with LCC Highways division. It was also suggested that NKDC lottery funding might be available if a suitable application were to be submitted.
Council Session
25014 Apologies received from Cllr Armstrong and NKDC Cllr Parry.
25015 No declarations of interest were received.
25016 The minutes of the meeting on 13th January 2025 were approved and signed by the Chairman.
25017 There had been some instances of petty vandalism in the village – some youths were disturbed whilst they attempted to damage the timetable in the bus stop, the remaining small litter bin at the playing field has been bent and is now almost unusable and one of the 30 mph signs beside the cemetery is now lying flat on the ground. It was regretted that the PCSO presence has ended.
25018 It was agreed that the review of policies and procedures should be completed before the next meeting. RM BL TB
25019 Not enough volunteers had come forward for the Speedwatch project. It was thought that unless more people were willing to get involved then it would not be realistic to proceed. It was agreed that the current volunteers should try to engender further interest from the community. MS DB HD
25020 As Glendale were the only contractor to bid for the ground maintenance contract and its work over the preceding 3 years has been satisfactory it was resolved to accept the quote for the period 25-28. TB
25021 The projects for the coming year: paved area round the beacon, widening the emergency path by the VH steps and installing the planters round the village all require suitable weather and ground conditions they should be scheduled for later in the spring.
25022 It was resolved to object officially to the Springwell Solar Farm project. PD
25023 The plastic barriers remaining on the playing field should be removed by the relevant authority. TB
25024 The clerk reported that the damaged road bridge was scheduled for repair (25/26) or replacement (26/27) and was being monitored carefully by structural engineers at LCC.
25025 The “ransom strip” of land between the playing field and Meadow Road has been offered to the PC by its current owner. Because of possible costs going forward (legal costs, maintenance of the trees and increased ground maintenance in general) it was not thought to be in the parish’s best interest to accept. RM
25026 It was agreed to hold a maintenance day for the equipment on the playing field after the May PC meeting when the weather should be better. ALL
25027 It was regretted that no report from the VH management team was available to the meeting. It was resolved that the VH management should be reminded of the requirement for a monthly report. TB
25028 No further information on the grant application for the sound system was available. It was agreed that an application for funding for the VE Day event on 10th May should be submitted to NKDC Lottery. The PC will match fund the grant if approved. LT
25029 A volunteer had come forward to fill the remaining vacancy on the PC. TB
The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Monday 10th March in the Lamyman room in the Dunston Village Hall.