January 2025 Minutes

Minutes of the Dunston Parish Council Meeting - Monday 13th January 2025

Present: Cllrs McLuckie, Duncan, Lamyman and Pellew. Two members of the public and Clerk to the council.

Public session

A member of the public thought that it was unacceptable that the repairs to the road bridge, replacing the footbridge and rectifying the inoperative street light should be taking so long. It was agreed that the clerk should raise these items with LCC and Highways for an official update. The issue of the damaged telephone cable on Fen Lane was still in the hands of Open Reach. The LCC Emergency Incident box was delivered to the Parish Council by Mr Craig.

Council Session

25001 Apologies received from Cllr Armstrong, Phillipson and Treece.

25002 The minutes of the meeting on 11th November 2024 were approved and signed by the Chairman.

25003 The Chairman gave his report for 2024 listing all the achievements accomplished during the year and those outstanding items (repainting the face of the church clock; the village hall roof repair, loop system, emergency lighting and smoke detectors; and siting and planting the planters round the village) which were hoped to be completed possibly before the end of the financial year. It was confirmed that the PC held sufficient funds for all this expected expenditure.

25004 It was agreed that as a new contractor was scheduled to visit the village imminently with a view to bidding for the ground maintenance contract, the decision as to which contractor to use should be delayed until the February meeting.

25005 It was agreed to seek volunteers for the community speed watch by putting a notice on social media.                                                                                                                             PD

25006 An annual review of standing orders, policies and procedures was agreed to be held. A separate review will be required soon for the Emergency Plan.                         RM BL TB

25007 A road closure for water main work on Fen Lane has been notified for the 3 days beginning 20th Jan.

25008 The playground sign on the roadside adjacent to the bridge on Front Street was thought to be a hazard and should be reported to LCC.                                                     TB

25009 Damage to a bench seat on the large green by the beck was reported.

25010 A possible offer of more trees has been received.                                                  PD      

25011 The financial position was reviewed and thought satisfactory with sufficient funds remaining to complete the planned projects but still leaving an appropriate reserve.

The planned move of our account to the Co-op bank has had to be abandoned as the requested account type was no longer available for new customers.

25012 The Precept request for the next financial year was discussed and it was agreed to seek a small increase (less than 2%) whilst keeping the sum below £25,000.             RM TB

25013 The Asset Register was reviewed and it was agreed to write off the destroyed notice board, the defunct printer and previous years Christmas lights. It was resolved not to include any new items on the asset register which had a value of less than £100.       TB


The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Monday 10th February in the Lamyman room in the Dunston Village Hall.