October 2024 Minutes


Cllrs McLuckie (RM) Chair, Duncan (PD), Armstrong (GA), Lamyman (BL), Pellew (RP), Phillipson (LP), Treece (LT)
24144    Apologies: Clerk to Council (TB), Rankin (SR)    
    To receive members’ declarations of disposable pecuniary, non-disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in relation to any agenda item.    
Action By: Nil

The minutes of the meeting of 9th September 2024 were agreed as a true record.      
Action By: All

Public Session
Public Member 1:- 
Observations that minutes are missing from website and noticeboard.  Emergency plan does not appear on website.  
RM replied that the service provider that undertakes the management of the web site for us had unexpectedly passed away, but would look into this and get this updated.
Public Member 1 stated that the parking issue/hatching on Back Lane had not been completed by LCC and had lodged and chased himself.
Reference in previous minutes to email access when clerk away and use of gov.uk email address.  To put a procedure in place for this.    

Action By: RM

Action By: TB / ALL

Public Member 2:-

Raised query regarding the drainage system on Fen Lane, the LCC Flood Report Water and whether it had been received.  Had the flow of the Beck been altered due to the river management down-stream. Removal of foliage from the Beck and the planting of wildflowers.
RM confirming that the drainage system had been looked into several times by the relevant authorities, but a fix had never been resolved and the matter continues.  The LCC flood report had not been received and this was a year on.  RM to ask County Councillor for update.  The planting of wildflowers was generally accepted and Public Member 2 not to incur costs at her own expense.    

Action By: RM

Public Member 3 (this was raised under Chairman’s report section).  He was disappointed that the removal of the silt had not been carried out effectively and that there was a break in his services due to the works.  He confirmed that he had sent a letter of complaint and enquired as to response.  RM stating that he had drafted a reply but need to run it passed all Cllrs.  RM stating that the Parish Council would agree to any costs in relation to the repair of the services line.    

Action By: TB / RM

Public Member 4: Raising the issue of a potential hole/sink hole near to his property that was covered with a slab of concrete.  Cllrs were not entirely sure the location he was referring to so to further investigate.    
Action By: RM

Main Session
    No attendees from County or District Councillors no reports received.    
    RM provided all with an update and background on the planning meeting he had attended in respect of the 17 houses on Fen Lane.  The planning committee had voted and outline planning had been granted.  Within the planning there may be a grampion condition which we need to review the planning to see if this has been included.  This is a condition attached to a decision that prevents the start of the development until off site works have been completed.  So there could be a condition placed on Anglian Water to rectify and increase capacity for the sewage before works commenced.

With regards to the clearance of plants by volunteers and removal of silt, the Parish Council had to do something to try and alleviate any recurrence of flooding, as no action or support had been received from the relevant higher authorities.  It was better to do something rather than nothing.  The bridges both remain damaged which was caused by the flood and that we had chased LCC numerous times for an update as to likely timescales for repair.  RM to chase County Cllr Kendrick.
Action By: RM

    The defibrillator signage has been affixed to the village hall.    
    The village directional sign had been erected and positive comments already received.    
    Agreed to order a Christmas Tree and to go ahead with Christmas Event.  PD to confirm order of tree and to start the plans for the Christmas event. RP to assist PD.    

Action By: PD / RP

    The emergency plan had been completed, however it had been decided that it needed to be further reviewed.  RM and BL are to attend a meeting with Lincolnshire Resilience Forum and to then form a working party to update the plan.  Whilst at the meeting the issue of the missing kit we were entitled to would also be raised.    

Action By: RM / BL

No Clerk’s report received or planning updates.  TB to send through anything of relevant upon his return from leave.    
Action By: TB

The second speed sign had been erected, however the post provided was too thick and that larger couplings were required to affix the solar charger.  The speed sign should be working and using its battery for the time being.    

Action By: PD, RM, BL

The speed sign and implementation of the revised speed limit between Metheringham and Dunston had still not been finalised with LCC after numerous requests and contact.  PD to try to contact again.    

Action By: PD 

No village keepers report received.    
    The planters had all be received and it was the intention to get these in situ alter this month early November.    
Action By: PD + Support

There was a Community Garden event on the 26th October to help and assist with the tidying up and preparation for next year.    
Damage to the hedging on the playing field had been notified.  We had a new employee that was assisting with strimming and tidying of areas, and he worked a couple of hours a week.  It was suggested that once he was comfortable with these tasks to potentially add to his list of jobs.    
No Village Hall report received.    
The car park works were due to commence beginning in mid November, it was thought that this would take two weeks to finish.  PD to be project lead.    
Action By: PD

LT had undertaken research regards to any available grants in respect of the sound system.  He was on with a lottery application and required further information from Clllrs.  Public Member 3 had suggested a charity The Eden Project that could be a good contact.  LT confirmed that he thought he may have already contacted them but would double check his findings.     

Action By: LT

On target to meet the Agar deadline.
Agreed to use spreadsheet created which contained the budgeted items and works which had been decided upon.     

Action By: All

Agreed to remedy the digger tracks within the grass banks of the beck.  To flatten down, add soil and grass seeds accordingly.    
Action By: RM BL GA

Two complaints had been received due to the break in services which were underlying within the Beck.  RM had drafted replies and sough input from fellow Cllrs.  RM to send out replies.
Action By: RM

    Meeting close time – 20.48 pm
Next meeting Monday 11th November 2024 at 19.00.