March 2024 Minutes
Minutes of the Dunston Parish Council Meeting - Monday 11th Mar 2024
Present: Cllrs McLuckie, Duncan, Lamyman, Phillipson, Pellew, Treece. NKDC Cllr Parry, Clerk to the council and one member of the public.
Cllr Parry stated that NKDC Budget for 24/25 had been approved unanimously with a 2.6% increase in Council Tax and that the 24-27 Plan had also been approved unanimously. He had no further information on when the application 23/1462/OUT would be considered.
Mr John Weston proposed to the council that a path should be laid at the playing field to ensure that the equipment became more accessible to children of limited mobility or in a wheelchair or pushchair. It was agreed to investigate the cost of such a path.
Council Session
24039 Apologies for absence: Nil received but noted that Cllr Armstrong was still abroad.
24040 To receive members’ declarations of disposable pecuniary, non-disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in relation to any agenda item.
Action: No Changes
24041 The minutes of the previous meeting on 11th February were agreed as a true record.
Action: RM
24042 The village emergency plan is nearing completion.
Action: SR RP
24043 It was resolved to request that LCC should dredge the Beck to try to prevent further flooding events in the future.
Action: TB RM
24044 It was decided to order a 10’ storage container to provide secure long term storage for the pumps (as part of the Emergency Plan) and garden machinery (for the use of the General Maintenance Operative) which the PC has (or is about to) ordered.
Action: PD TB
24045 It was resolved to purchase a second radar speed sign to be erected on the Fen Lane approach to the village.
Action: TB
24046 It was agreed to purchase a strimmer and hedge cutter for use maintaining the appearance of the village by the GMO.
Action: PD TB
24047 It was resolved to contact Highways about siting a post on Fen Lane to mount the second radar speed sign.
Action: RM
24048 It was agreed to purchase 5 recycled plastic planters and plants/flowers to make the village more attractive.
Action: PD TB
24049 Cllr Duncan agreed to publicise on social media the possibility of residents visiting Dunston Quarry to be shown the facilities there.
Action: PD TB
24050 No report from the VHMC was available at the time of the meeting so there was no further information on the roof leak. An update was to be sought for the next meeting.
Action: SR
24051 It was agreed that grant funding for improvements to the VH sound systems should be sought.
Action: VHMC
24052 It was agreed that the Village Notice Board should be replaced as the current one had blown down in the recent storms.
Action: RM TB
24053 The proposed improvement to the Village Hall Lighting was approved and the quote accepted.
Action: RM TB
24054 It was resolved to contact LCC about the re-instatement of the footbridge washed away in the October flooding.
Action: RM TB
24055 Salaries since the last meeting and expenses for stationery were agreed for payment.
Action: TB
Next Meeting: Mon 8h April 2024 at 1900. Dunston Village Hall.