February 2025 Agenda

The next meeting will be held on Monday 10th Feb 2025
1. Resolution to accept apologies for absence
2. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
3. Public session for questions, comment, requests or suggestions – 15 minute session
4. To receive reports from County & District Councillors            (Kendrick LCC, Parry & Bailey NKDC)
5. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting & any matters rising not scheduled in the agenda.
6. Chairman’s report: (if back in time)
a. Recording in essence the input from the public as a record.
b. Vandalism observed  - Bryan to confirm feedback.
c. Proposed dates for Annual review of policies & procedures (RM, BL, TB) (e.g. 7.30pm 13th or 14th Feb)
7. Vice Chairman’s report:
a. Community speed watch
b. Ground maintenance contract
c. Potential projects for 2025
i. The paved area around the beacon 
ii. Extend the emergency path by the steps on side of the Hall 
iii. Install 5 gravel bases around the village and move the 5 Planters in the store 
8. Clerk’s report:
a. Planning & other correspondence
9. Highway issues
a. Road closures etc.
10. Environment issues
a. Village Keepers Report
11. Playing Field
a. Trees 
b. Play equipment
c. Hedge
12. Village Hall
a. Management report
b. Community garden
c. Sound system grant
d. Events
13. Finance
a. Review of projects
b. Review of finances
c. Precept request set at 1.22% (£24,952)
14. Date of next meeting 10th March 2025