May 2020 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting
Minutes of the of Dunston Annual Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 18th May 2020 at 7.30pm via Zoom.
PRESENT: P.Cllrs R.McLuckie (RM) (Chair), P.Moore (PM) (Vice Chair), L.Phillipson (LP), Clerk L.Stocker (LS)(Minutes) & D. Cllr.N.Byatt (NB)
The details of this meeting were shared on the parish webpage and noticeboard as usual.
RATIFICATION: Decisions made at the interim meeting held amongst members of the District and Parish Council on Monday 4th May were formally agreed.
APOLOGIES: C.Cllr. R. Kendrick, D.Cllr.L Pearson & E.Vinter. |
Election of Chairman RM was proposed by PM and seconded by GA. Accepted. 170/20
Election of Vice Chairman PA was proposed by PD and seconded by GA. Accepted. 171/20
Appointment of Village Hall representative. PM was proposed by GA and seconded by PM. Accepted. 172/20
Acceptance of the Auditor. R Gawne was proposed by GA and seconded by PM. 173/20 |
Acceptance of Current Standing Orders. It was explained that standing orders are the Parish Councils terms of reference/ guidance that are used. ACTION: RM to deliver a copy to each councillor, hard copies will be available to anyone who wants one. 174/20
LS |
SPEED INDICATOR DEVICE (SID): The SID has been returned to the Police Panel via NB. Letter to be sent to June Gwillym, Police Panel Chairwoman and Metheringham PC to inform them of the decision to leave the group.
LS |
ENVIRONMENT: Reports have been received in relation to littering around the ‘Splash’ (off Prior Lane). It was agreed to request that the PCSO visits the area in an attempt to deter this kind of behaviour in this attractive and popular area of the village. It was noted that residents have been removing rubbish left by others. This is very much appreciated but may limit evidence of any further incidents. |
LS |
LOCKDOWN MEASURES: CHIPS (Community Help in Particular Situations) have continued their role in supporting parishioners whilst the lockdown measures are in place. A number of donations have been received to enable prepared meals and/or drinks to be delivered as a ‘treat’ to those who have been identified as ‘self-isolating and vulnerable’, and DPC have committed funds of £130 to replicate this gesture and provide a morale boost.
Branston PC are operating as a central hub for services to help those needing assistance. They are open to requests for help from the public.
COMMUNICATION: The need to establish a mechanism to effectively convey information and increase access to the local community was identified. After some discussion it was decided to open a DPC Facebook page to this end. This will initially be a temporary measure, but will be reconsidered after lockdown.
ZOOM SUBSCRIPTION: Improved access to Zoom is still being organised. LS has been liaising with LALC and was able to confirm that this would be arriving shortly. Ongoing.
Application 20/0456/FUL Land North Of Fen Lane, Dunston LN4 2HB. Erection of 8 dwellings and formulation of new vehicular and pedestrian access from Fen Lane. Comments agreed at the previous meeting have been forwarded to NKDC Planning. Concerns have been received in relation to the public consultation process for this application. A discussion led to the possibility of legislative changes being in place whilst the country is in Lockdown. NB was able to clarify current requirements and suggested that it might be prudent contact NKDC and raise these concerns.
Planning Appeal APP/R2520/4/20/3247929: The Old Potato Store, Back Lane, Dunston. An appeal has been lodged following the refusal to grant permission to demolish this agricultural building and erect up to 12 dwellings on the site. (Planning Ref 19/0607/OUT).
Comments were made earlier in the application process. |
LS |
12. FINANCE: Agreed as of 4th May 2020, ratified at this meeting.
Balances 6th April 4th May Current (Treasurers) Account £ 3,774.08 £ 24,765.90 Deposit (Bus Instant Access) Account £ 15,189.46 £ 15,290.04 Total £ 20,008.05 £ 40,055.94
Lloyds Inst Saver (Trout Project) £ 9,295.77 This account is used to hold funds specifically donated to the Trout Project on for use on Dunston Beck.
Total £ 22,108.25
Expenditure: a. Information Commissioners Office Data Protection Fee £ 40.00 b. Chairman’s Expenses* £ 43.14 c. Glendale: March Maintenance at Field & Cem. Invoice 02277 £ 375.60 d. Village Keeper Salary: March & April £ 246.16 e. Clerks Salary: March & April & Expenses** £ 507.16 f. HMRC (National Insurance Contributions) £ 33.00 Total £ 1,245.06
*Chairman’s Expenses: Barriers Direct (Hazard Tape for use on the play equipment) £35.95. **Clerks Expenses: Brightpay License (PAYE Software) £58.80.
Reconciliation : Current Account Reconciliation (since 9th March 2020) Current Account £ 3,774.08 Income £ 22,108.25 + Expenditure £ 1,245.06- £ 24,637.27
Current Account (after payments) £ 24,637.27 Deposit Account £ 15,189.46 + Reconciliated Total £ 39,826.73
15. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Monday 1st June 2020 at 7.30pm via zoom. |