January 2020 Agenda (13th)


The next regular meeting of Dunston Parish Council will take place on Monday 13th January 2020 at approximately 7.45 pm in the Lamyman Room at the Village Hall. 

All Councillors are Summoned to attend. 


The meeting will commence with a public forum which will last no more than 15 minutes. 

1.    Resolution to accept any apologies.

2.    To receive any Declarations of Interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011.

3.     Resolution that the previously circulated notes of the meeting be approved as the Minutes. 

4.     To receive a presentation from a representative from Anglian Water. A discussion will follow.

5.     To receive County and District Councillors Reports. 

6.     POLICING: To receive the Police Activity Report.

7.     HIGHWAYS: To receive an update on any Highway matters.  


a.    To receive the Village Keepers Report.

b.    To receive an update on any matters of an Environmental  nature. 

9.     PLANNING: To receive an update on current Planning Applications.

10.    CLERKS REPORT: incoming matters which require consideration or comment

a.    LALC Training Subscription. 

b.    To receive an update on progress with the Dunston PC web pages. 


a.    To receive a report on the future management, costs and development of the Village Hall.

b.    To consider the future management and costs of running The Hub. 

c.    To address the costs and provisions of a potential Data Hub at the Village Hall. 


a.    Playing Field Fencing : A discussion of progress in relation of the missing section. 

b.    Mole Removal: To receive an update on progress.  

c.    Maintenance: To consider any areas needing attention. 

13.    FINANCE: 

a.    Bank Accounts : To receive an update on Access and Balances. 

b.    Resolution to accept and sign the current Bank Reconciliation. 

c.    Resolution to accept and sign Income and Expenditure figures.

14.    PRECEPT:

a.    Consider suggested expenditures for inclusion. 

b.    Resolution to set an outline Budget. 

c.    Resolution to set the 2020-2021 Precept. 

15.    Any urgent correspondence. 

16.    Date of next meeting.