Scheme of Delegation

Scheme of Delegation

Reviewed by Dunston Parish Council

March 2025

The Local Government Act 1972, section101, gives a parish council power to delegate decisions to a committee or the clerk, being the council’s proper officer.



Decisions may be made, including authorization of personnel or  expenditure, by committees of the council, provided these decisions fall within the terms of reference and budget limits agreed by the council.


Urgent Decisions of Council

Urgent decisions required between scheduled meetings of the council are delegated to the clerk in consultation with the chairman of the council.


Decisions made under this delegation will be reported to, and recorded in the minutes of, the next council meeting.


Under this delegation, where appropriate, the clerk may decide that an extraordinary meeting of the council be called to deal with the urgent matter.


Planning Delegation to the Clerk

The council delegates decisions arising under development control consultations to the clerk in consultation with all Councillors.


Consultation may be by correspondence, including email, or in person. It may also take place at meetings of the council.


The clerk will arrange for relevant papers to be circulated to the councillors who should return them as soon as possible, together with their comments, to the clerk for determination of the council’s response within the prescribed consultation period.


Delegated decisions will be reported to, and recorded in the minutes of, the next council meeting.


In respect of controversial or major development proposals, the clerk in consultation with the chairman, may decide that a parish meeting and/or an extraordinary meeting of the council be called to consider the matter