
Dunston Parish Council
Safeguarding Children, Young people and Vulnerable Adults (“Safeguarding”) Policy 2024

SECTION 1 Policy Statement 

Everyone has a duty to safeguard children, young people and vulnerable adults. This policy promotes good practice in safeguarding for those using Parish Council facilities. The Parish Council will review it annually. Definitions Children and young people: Anyone under the age of 18 years Vulnerable Adult: Anyone over 18 who is: 

• Unable to care for themselves 
• Unable to protect themselves from significant harm or exploitation • Or may be in need of community care services.
To whom this policy applies 
This policy applies to anyone working for or on behalf of the Parish Council whether in a paid, voluntary or commissioned capacity, for example contracted to do a piece of work. It also applies to any individual hiring, leasing or using the Parish Council facilities for the purpose of delivering any service to children, young people or vulnerable adults. 
SECTION 2 Promoting a safe environment 
In order to promote a safe environment for children, young people and vulnerable adults, the Parish Council will: 
• Provide safe facilities and do regular safety assessments. 
• Ensure that employees, Councillors and leaders of activities in the parish or in/on parish facilities, are aware of the safeguarding expectations.
• Members of staff and volunteers who have regular unsupervised contact with children, young people or vulnerable adults during the course of their duties MUST undergo appropriate Disclosure and Barring Service (“DBS”) checks BEFORE commencement of such duties. 
• Display on Parish Council notice boards in the village & in the Village Hall the relevant safeguarding contacts for advice and help. A copy will also be made available on the Parish Council website. 
Expectations of behaviour 
All users of Parish Council facilities, organisers of parish events and volunteers should: 
• Ensure that communications, behaviour and interaction is appropriate and professional. 
• Treat each other with respect and show consideration for other groups using the Parish Council facilities. 
• Refrain from any behaviour that involves racism, sexism, homophobia, and bullying and in addition, report any instances of such behaviour to the Chair of the Parish Council, Parish Clerk or parents/carers, as appropriate. 

Hiring of facilities to groups for use with children, young people or vulnerable adults 
The Parish Council will require the hirer to: 
• Have public liability insurance. 
• Have a suitable safeguarding policy and/or agree to work to the Parish Council’s policy and relevant guidance. 
• Ensure leaders make their members aware of the Parish Council Policy and ensure that it is followed whilst using parish facilities. 
• Ensure leaders have valid enhanced DBS checks as appropriate and know where the first aid boxes are and how to summon help from the Emergency Services. 
• Do risk assessments for individual activities.

SECTION 3 Safe working practice  
All users of Parish Facilities must follow the policy and procedures at all times. For example they should: 
• Never leave children, young people or vulnerable adults unattended with adults who have not been subject to a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.  
• Plan activities to involve more than one person being present or at least in sight or hearing of others. Alternatively, record, or inform others of their whereabouts and intended action. 
• Where possible, have male and female leaders working with a mixed group. 
• Ensure registers are complete and attendees are marked in and signed out (under 8’s must be collected by a parent/carer). 
• Ensure that photos or videos of individuals are not taken without written permission from their parents/carers.  
• Ensure they have access to a first aid kit and telephone and know fire procedures. 
• When working outside, ensure activities, breaks and clothing are suitable for the weather conditions and that shelter is available where possible.

SECTION 4  Allegations against staff and volunteers 
The Parish Council should follow the procedures for managing allegations against staff/volunteers on the SBC Safeguarding website.  No attempt should be made to 
investigate or take action before consultation with Lincolnshire County Council Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO). See contact details below. 
•    LADO Office Children's safeguarding - 01522 782111 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm)
•    Adults safeguarding - 01522 782155 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm)
•    or 01522 782333 (outside office hours)

All Parish Councillors, staff and volunteers should be aware of their duty to raise concerns about the attitude or actions of colleagues and appropriate advice will be sought from the LADO or Safeguarding Team as to how to handle such allegations.  
The Parish Council must not make a judgement on whether the allegations have merit for further investigation, this decision must be for the LADO team.
What should be a cause for concern 
Staff and volunteers should be concerned by any action or inaction, which significantly harms the physical and/or emotional development of a child.  Abuse falls into four main categories and can include child sexual exploitation and female genital mutilation, referred to as FGM.  The categories are as follows: 

1. Physical Abuse 
2. Emotional Abuse 
3. Sexual Abuse 
4. Neglect 
5. Financial Abuse/Manipulation 

The Parish Council are committed to ensuring the safety of all users of our services and facilities and take our responsibilities seriously.  We regularly work with other agencies and Rutland County Council to ensure compliance with changing laws and guidelines in relation to safeguarding. 
The Parish Council confirm this safeguarding policy will be updated as and when such legislative/best practice changes take place or at least annually.

1.    Review date March 2025        …………………………RjM………………………….
2.    Review date March 2026        ………………………………………………………………….
3.    Review date March 2027        ………………………………………………………………….
4.    Review date March 2028        ………………………………………………………………….