May 2023 Agenda Annual Parish Meeting


Wednesday 17th May 2023 – 7.00 pm Village Hall, Dunston


1. Appointment of Chairman – to receive nominations for the position of Chair and resolve to appoint to the position followed by signing of declaration of Acceptance of Office as Chair and Councillor

2. Appointment of Vice Chairman - to receive nominations for the appointment of Vice Chair and resolve to appoint to the position

3. Councillors - signing declaration of Acceptance of Office prior to commencing the meeting, and completion of Declaration of Interests Forms.

4. Council Session will then be suspended to hold the:


a.   Introduction to the meeting.

b.   Annual report of the Parish Council (by the Chairman)

c.   District Councillor’s Report.

d.   County Councillor’s Report.

e.   Reports from Village Organisations.

f.   Open session on any matters of concern to Parishioners.

g.   Refreshments.

Parish Council Session will reconvene.

5. To receive member’s declarations of disclosable pecuniary, non-disposable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in relation to any agenda item.

6. To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting – 17th April 2023.

7. To receive the Village Keeper’s report.

8. To receive updates on all Highway matters.

9. To receive an update on current Planning applications.

10. To consider financial matters.

11. To consider current Environment issues and issues at the Playing Field.

12. Date and time for the next meeting