
There are currently no vacancies on the Dunston Parish Council.

Background information:

Can you stand for election? Are you qualified to stand for election? Interested? Then please read on:

Can You Stand For Election

Qualifications for Standing for Election

Good Councillor Guide

Being a Good Employer - A Guide for Parish and Town Councillors

For more information about the Parish Council or this website, please contact the Parish Clerk.


I'm too young Anyone aged 18 or over is eligible providing they are on the Electoral Register.
I'm too old There is no upper age limit
I'm too lazy and I'm not interested in my community A valid reason so don't bother!
I don't have time On average 1-3 hours per week is needed. Meetings are once a month on the second Monday of each month. With a valid reason for absence, missing some meetings is acceptable.
Everyone on the council is old Come and see - we all have a "young" outlook and certainly don't fall into the "old" bracket. Otherwise come and join us and lower the average age!
I prefer to let others do the work and then complain at what they are doing (or not!) Another valid reason for not offering yourself for election but bear in mind that expressing your views on Facebook or in the street rather than Council meetings will not change a thing in Dunston. If you can't be bothered, does that mean it's fair to criticise those people who are bothered!
I haven't lived here long As long as you have been in the village for a year, either as a resident, owning a business or owning land or other asset then you are eligible providing you are on the Electoral Register. The views of "incomers" are valued as very often they see things that people who have been in the village for many years don't.