May 2024 DRAFT Minutes Annual Parish Meeting

Dunston Annual Parish Meeting

The 2024 Dunston Annual Parish Meeting was held in the Lamyman room in the Dunston Village Hall at 1830 on Monday 13th May.

The Chairman of the Dunston PC introduced the meeting, welcomed all those  present and gave a brief resume of the priorities of the Parish Council for the forthcoming year. He outlined a proposal to try to prevent future flooding in the village but warned that action by the authorities would necessarily have to wait until the conclusion of the official investigation had been published.

LCC Cllr Rob Kendrick spoke, explaining his roles at County Council level and also mentioned the proposal to increase devolution in Lincolnshire which is currently being considered at ministerial level in government.
NKDC Cllr Dave Parry explained some of the functions of the district council and in particular the purchase of the Carre Arms hotel in Sleaford.

Patrick Moore gave a brief talk on the Dunston Bowls club and encouraged more people to join in the activity which takes place on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at the bowling green.

Lucy Rankin spoke on behalf of the VH Management Committee and pointed out that it was an asset for all in the community to use, available through a booking scheme at a reasonable cost.

Sue Glaister spoke on behalf of Churches Together which has existed in the village for 4 years. As well as joint worship there is a monthly café (hoping in future to become a weekly event), serving hot drinks and light snacks, held in the Methodist Chapel.

Jane Tuxworth explained the origin of the Dunston Book Club and also informed the room that the telephone box had been donated to the PC in 2017.

Cllr Russ McLuckie spoke on behalf of the Knit and Natter group as all their representatives were away. The group meets on the afternoons of the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month with a small charge for refreshments. He also mentioned the Art Group which meets on Monday afternoons and has vacancies if anyone else was interested.

Jean Ford represented Dunston Sewing Bee, explaining its origin in 2015, its recent history and encouraging more parishioners to attend in future.

Paul Barker spoke on behalf of the Dunston Twinning Association, informing the room on its history and origins. The next activity will be the visit by Trange to Dunston in October 2024 when we will be hosting our French guests.
The Lunch Club continues to serve a hot 2 course meal on the 3rd Friday of each month in the Chapel to a maximum of 20 local people. Like all the other organisations represented at this meeting it is keen to attract more participants and volunteers to help.

Sue Enmarsh requested that more residents get involved in the Community Garden and help with the planters which are going to be put at various locations in the village to try to make it a more attractive place.

Geraldine Gunner, who instructs Upholstery classes on Thursday evenings, commented that the new lighting in the VH was not adequate enough to enable her or her class to thread their needles. This comment and a similar one about the inadequacy of the external lighting in the car park area would be forwarded to the VHMC and considered by the PC in due course.

The meeting closed at 1945 and was followed by some refreshments being served to those present.