May 2019 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting


Minutes of the of Dunston

Annual Parish Council Meeting

held on 13th May at 8.00pm in the Lamyman Room of the Village Hall



Present: P.Cllr’s R.McLuckie (RM), P.York (PY), L. Phillipson (LP), L.Stocker (LS)(Minutes), K.Atkin (KA)(Co-option Candidate), P.Moore (PM) (Co-option Candidate), E.Vinter (EV)(Co-option Candidate)* & 6 parishioners.

*Late arrival due to work commitments.  

156/19 Apologies: None.


157/157/19  Election of Chairman: Russ McLuckie (Proposed PY, Seconded LP).


158/158/19 Election of Vice Chairman: Peter York (Proposed RM, Seconded LP).


159/159/19 Co-option: Following the uncontested Local Election held on 2nd May 2019 Dunston Parish Council is quorate, with 3 existing councillors re-elected and 6 posts remaining vacant.


The process of Co-option was used to allow 3 candidates to address the Council and outline their reasons for wishing to become a Parish Councillor.


Following this process, Karen Atkin, Pauline Moore & Edd Vinter were unanimously agreed to be suitable candidates. They will be duly elected to Dunston Parish Council once their qualifications are verified as being appropriate.  



160/19 Confirmation of Individual Councillors Responsibilities: Responsibilities to be allocated following the confirmation co-option process. PM volunteered to be the DPC representative on the DVHMC and attend their AGM is being held on Monday 20th May at 8pm. Revisit next meeting.


161/19 Future Meeting Dates: The chairman suggested that the regular meetings of the Parish Council return to their previous pattern, being held on the second Monday of each month. The Councillors, prospective Councillors and Clerk unanimously agreed. It was also unanimously agreed that there would be no meeting held during August. (LS to draft dates & confirm venue availability.)



162/19 Standing Orders: The existing Standing Orders were shared. It was felt that these should be reviewed in the future, particularly in relation to the Co-option process and the Declaration of Councillors Pecuniary & Non-Pecuniary declarations. Following some research, the Chairman outlined his understanding of these processes.



163/19 Declaration of Interest: RM & LP expressed non-pecuniary interests in the Bowls Club.


164/19 Acceptance of Minutes: The minutes for the meeting held on 1st May 2019 were held to be a true and accurate record.


165/19 Policing: A police report was not available for presentation to this meeting.



166/19 Highways:

  1. TTRO/RB/841/2019 : Temporary restrictions due to the Dunston Twinning Association Duck being. Saturday 29th June, Front Street (Middle Street/Fen Lane to Chapel lane), as and when required between 1-5pm with alternative routes signposted.



167/19 Environment:

  1. ENF/554850: Unauthorised works to Trees in Dunston Conservation Area, land to the north of Dunston Beck. There is little to report since the last meeting, the stump grinding needs to be organised before the trees can be ordered and planting can be arranged. Appropriate trees have been sourced from Barcham Tree Specialists.
  2. Cemetery Tree: Damage to a branch in the cemetery has been reported. Warning notices have been put up on the tree in question and the cemetery gate. Removal to be organised.
  3. Debris has been left around The Splash (off Prior Lane). This has been removed, but visitors are asked to take their rubbish with them.
  4. Dog Bins: The dog bins are an ongoing issue as is research into solutions. Revisit next meeting.
  5. Flooding and Sewage on Fen Lane: Anglian Water (AW) replied to the request for a meeting to attempt to resolve this ongoing matter. The dates offered were shared, with the 18th June being agreed as amenable. LS to confirm with AW and invite the residents of Fen Lane and other stakeholders to The Chapel as the VH is already in use.








168/19 Planning:

  1. 9/0506/FUL – Proposed erection of 8 executive dwellings & 4 low cost dwellings. The Orchards, Lincoln Road, Dunston LN4 2EH. Concern was voiced regarding the number of development applications in the village. The change of use for the walkway was discussed with potential security issues being raised as a concern. It was also suggested that the adoption of the land on offer to the VH could incur increased maintenance costs.
  2. 19/0274/OUT – Conversion & separation of existing swimming pool building to create new residential dwelling. Changes to this application were received prior in the day and had not previously been shared with the Council. Councillors to consider and respond to the clerk, who will respond accordingly (Deadline 27th May).




169/19 Village Hall: The Village Hall AGM will be held at 8pm on 20th May 2019.

           PM to attend on behalf of DPC.  



170/19 Bowls & Croquet Clubs:

  1. The new generator has been purchased and is in the process of being PAT tested and installed.
  2. The project costs and expenses are yet to be finalised.

Revisit next meeting.




171/19 Football Club: There has been no further communication from Glyn Jones, Manager. Clerk to await communication regarding their plans.

Revisit next meeting.



172/19 Playing Field Maintenance: Nothing to report at present.

Revisit next meeting.



173/19 Finance:

a. There were no new bank statements.

b. Anglian Water/Wave have sent an amended invoice to include an NRTS allowance. As the new invoice was received before the previously agreed partial payment of £781.58 had been posted, the Council unanimously agreed to replace this cheque with one to cover the new invoice for the total cost of  £628.82.



  1. Anglian Water/Wave                                                                            £  628.82
  2. Information Commissioners’ Office (ICO) data protection fees      £    40.00
  3. Glendale Maintenance                                                                          £  297.60
  4. Steve Redshaw (Waste Drain Connection)                                       £  250.00

            Total £ 1216.42



174/19 Any Urgent Correspondence: None



175/19 Date of next meeting:

Monday 10th June, 7.30pm, in the Lamyman Room of the Village Hall.



176/19 Meeting closed at approximately 9pm.